Creepypasta Files Wikia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Le ptit gars venait d’… The house featured in h b i s r ea l is implied to be BEN's, due to the presence of a pool in the backyard.

BEN is the main antagonist of the Haunted Cartridge Arc. A priori, pas très compliqué, sauf que si, c'est compliqué. Nous utilisons des témoins pour personnaliser le contenu, adapter les publicités et compiler des statistiques sur celles-ci, ainsi que pour offrir une expérience plus sûre. The avatar used by the admin, DROWNED, contained a hidden image of the Elegy statue when moused over, hinting at a connection between himself and BEN.

BEN is also very oppressive and controlling, constantly forcing Jadusable to play the haunted game whenever he takes a break, and will not let him rest until he finishes what he started. Ben Drowned (originally published as Haunted Majora's Mask Cartridge) is a three-part multimedia alternate reality game (ARG) web serial created by Alexander D. "Jadusable" Hall. En cliquant sur le site ou en le parcourant, vous nous autorisez à recueillir des renseignements sur et en dehors de Facebook à l’aide de témoins. It is unknown what BEN was like in his past life and before he died. Originating as a creepypasta based on the 2000 action-adventure game The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and published by Hall from 2010 to 2020 with a hiatus in between, the series is known for creating many of … Immediately transported to the final boss room, Link is trapped with the Aside from the iconic "Song of Unhealing" that would play, the statue created from playing the "Other times, Jadusable would load his save file to find himself placed in completely different points in the game from when he had previously saved, along with oddly named profiles like "YOURTURN" and "BEN".

I was st… Upon Jadusable's return to the game, he was finally given a clue as to Ben's fate when the mysterious save files immediately started with the animation for using the After starting up the game the next day, the names of the two saved profiles read "BEN DROWNED". After he possessed the cartridge he took the form of the Elegy of Emptiness statue of Link. L'histoire parle d'une cartouche hantée du jeu The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask sur Nintendo 64. BEN Drowned is a character from the creepypasta BEN Drowned, about a haunted game cartridge of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. The story starts off with a college sophomore going by the handle "After performing the Fourth Day Glitch to give himself more time to complete a dungeon, the game takes a much more disturbing turn. During the recording of BEN.wmv, it revealed the cause of Ben's death to Jadusable.

This starts the interactive portion or the ARG where players try to piece together and prevent the malicious BEN's intentions and quite possibly save the world. Having promised to leave Jadusable alone if he helped it, it tricked him into playing further into its game. The ciphers it posted led followers to, the base of operations for a cult known as the Moon Children. BEN was first encountered by Jadusable when he bought and played the Majora cartridge. The cult itself awaits the day when the moon will crash into Earth, and is somehow tied to the systematic removal of fictitious people that have some link to the game. "Ben" may be referring to two or more different villains. See more ideas about Legend of zelda, Ben drowned, Creepypasta. The next day, during the period of time in which Ifrit was able to communicate, BEN posted lyrics from "After the first reset, users figured out the system of using songs to affect events involving the Moon Children, which BEN confirmed. This meant that the last document was likely fabricated by BEN, posing as a "roommate", in order to spread to other computers after he had escaped the confines of the game cartridge while Jadusable was capturing his gameplay. The real Jadusable, who oversees the ARG, has said that its story runs parallel to the story of Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It was then unheard from until Ryukaki began uploading videos. BEN is known to be able to warp the dreams of the living and turn them into hellish nightmares where he would torture his victims through extreme and distasteful means. Alors que tous les deux étaient partis à la pêche, Ben se noya. It is a sadistic and seemingly omniscient entity with mysterious connections to the Moon Children. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence ZeldaWiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Jeux vidéo.Jadusable, un jeune garçon possédant une N64, se promenait dans un vide-grenier afin de trouver quelques bons jeux. As Jadusable starts one of the files, he finds Link at the beginning of the game, chasing after the Skull Kid through the forest. Ben Drowned est une creepypasta qui se déroulerait dans le monde de The Legends of Zelda : Majora's Mask.

One of the site's members and his sister had already disappeared because players couldn't figure out what to do quickly enough, but managed to find the cult's next target, a young man with the handle Kayd Hendricks, who they tracked through his DeviantART profile. Nous tâchons de remédier à la situation dans les plus brefs délais. Zelda est un nom faisant référence à une série de jeux vidéos parmi les plus connue. BEN is most commonly drawn in fan-art having black eyes, with red pupils, which appear to be dripping a red liquid (presumably blood) from them. Il décida de créer une nouvelle partie qu'il appelle Traumatisé par cette terrifiante expérience, il en parla sur un forum, puis eu une discussion MSN avec un chatterbot qui était en fait Ben. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. BEN is also able to manifest himself in the real world for a short amount of time, and can tamper with electronics through paranormal means.