Can someone please say when it is officially going to start? That’s why we’ve prepared a special summery collection event for you from 12/08/2020 to 18/08/2020. 0 members, 0 guests, 0 anonymous users Some of us need to schedule sleep around our play, lol!I assumed US4 would start at the US server time. News : Anything new about Hero Zero. 124 topics; 116 replies; Donut Subscription Packages; By FaithfulAizen 20 Aug 2020; Patch Notes. Herzlich Willkommen im Forum von Hero Zero! 0 user(s) are browsing this forum. .....keine zwei Tage Gutscheine 4 Tage lang aufheben kreeeiiiischhhhh yeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh hier werden die nächsten Updates immer angekündigt, falls welche geplant sind: Hallo, weißt du, wie ich sagen kann, wann das nächste Update stattfindet?Um ein Thema zu erstellen, musst du angemeldet seinWelche Verbesserungen würdet ihr euch für Events wünschen?Wichtig! But at least consolidate some older servers then (although that might not fall well with people who play on 2 servers - but a dying server is no fun either with nobody left to play against).I assumed US4 would start at the US server time. Additionally, the Second Hand Shop has 7 summer-themed items for you to pick up, as well as a cute sidekick with a special level 10 ability. As someone who has been waiting for this to happen, I am super excited. A rogue villain will be waiting for you, as well as a fun collection event! New Server US4 - posted in News: Dear Heroes, On the 12th of March we will launch a new server. Danke für … Several functions may not work. Some of us need to schedule sleep around our play, lol!It's Affected by daylight savings maybe? Summer Fun in Hero Zero - posted in News: Hello heroes, Hero Zero is celebrating summer! Take the opportunity to be one of the first heroes on the new server and fight for the top positions in the ranking lists! Anpassung der Forenregeln am 10. Javascript ist in deinem Browser deaktiviert. Bevor ihr eine Frage stellt, werft zudem einen Blick in die FAQ- vielleicht wurde eure Frage dort schon beantwortet. Others quit around 250 where the game suddenly slows down dramatically. Those that know me know I try to think out of the box and come up with ways to climb the ranks on US3. Aktiviere Javascript damit dir alle Funktionen zur Verfügung stehen.Herzlich Willkommen im Forum von Hero Zero! Anything new about Hero Zero. 176 talking about this. Lots of people quit after a few weeks and indeed don't delete the character.
I'm looking forward to starting on a server from day 1.If you are crazy about Hero Zero and love to compete in Herocon, please privately message me if you'd be interested in joining "The Donut Munchies on US4! "So basically, this just signed the death sentence of US3. Toggle Official Hero Zero News Official Hero Zero News Forum Stats Last Post Info; News. Stay of execution denied. Check your in-game messages on the 6th of March and pre-register to secure your name from the current server! Go train, fulfill missions, earn money and improve your equipment. 190 topics; 2 replies; Patch notes 2020-07-28; By Regnor 28 Jul 2020; Can someone please say when it is officially going to start? Hero Zero - the free browser game! 0 user(s) are browsing this forum. You currently have javascript disabled. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality.can't say I love the idea or ever thought of it in a pleasant way. You can check out the latest patch notes here. Thank you for your patience. 0 members, 0 guests, 0 anonymous users
we shall see. Vergesst nicht, vor der Nutzung der Shoutbox und des Forums die @RottenGEMS und dafür haben Sie wie lange braucht um das umzusetzen? Oktober 2012Die Casino- und Modifikations-Bonustage starten am 24.07.2020Vervollständigt eure Sammlungen beim „Collector’s Special“!Schlemme jetzt zehn Tage lang täglich frische Donuts!Die Woche des Umweltschutzes startet am 03.06.2020!Tierisch gut: Casino mit coolen Begleiter-Belohnungen!Ankündigung internationales Turnier, Start 02.06.2020Total verrückt: Das „Go Crazy“-Casino-Special ist wieder da!Um ein Thema zu erstellen, musst du angemeldet seinFüge mich nicht zu der Liste der aktiven Benutzer hinzu W Hero Zero normalni ludzie pokazują swoje super siły! In Hero Zero normal people show their true superpowers! Make sure you pre-register now.
We waited 2 years, we can wait a few more minutes lol How many thousands of people are sitting around right now waiting for this to start.... not very well handled by the dev's I'm afraid. News: Anything new about Hero Zero. There’s plenty for you to do during the special. And almost all items found/won are starting to get utterly useless It's hard to recruit already on US3 will be worse when there is a 4th server.And I do understand that new players are not attracted to a game where some people are already 400+ level with no possibilities to catch up. Go through all six funny worlds and grow with some stamina into a true superhero!