Imperial Hero is a free-to-play MMO RPG with action-packed turn-based combat offering you an adventure you will keep coming back to. The Imperial Hero Roster was one of four rosters of legendary heroes in the galaxy. DEVELOPER'S DESCRIPTION: The wondrous and amazing lands of Ayarr Empire await all eminent heroes who wish to achieve glory, immortality and become legends. You should already have the control rods, so all we need to do now is get the fourth evidence, but the path to Bors Teraud is blocked until you shut down the reactor first. All you need now to get your badge is the personal journals of Bors Teraud.

The Empire sent an Inquisitor to investigate the matter and is being held in a cell near by. Building structures in the castle provides bonuses to all members in the guild.

This is an event where players go through a 10-days long program, in which they have to tackle World Boss, compete in PvP tournament and delve into an Ancient Island.

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Upon creation, the player's character is assigned one of three factions within the empire - Haroda, Farolin and Sonoria, which are in conflict with each other, and by extension the player is in conflict with other players PvP. Als wilder Krieger beispielsweise erhältst du Boni auf deine Angriffsstärke und als Jäger hat du die Wahl zwischen Schattenverfolger und -jäger. Or all of them.

Players have to register at a website in order to join the game. Type the code Mirla (a worker) gave you in spatial and the cell door (green circle on map with the number 2 in it) will unlock and you can get the letter off the corpse of the inquisitor. National contest “Innovative Enterprise of the Year” Players are encouraged to team up in a "Guild" and help each other in order to survive and prosper in the Ayarr Empire environment. The hero has a personal profile and can acquire titles on a weekly basis, which may offer bonuses. Players participate in the raids with their own parties and are matched against the defenders of the target guild. Imperial Hero is translated into 27 languages. Well Done!

More Mobs are abound in this area you may need to fight your way into this room.

Defeat the spawn and continue straight ahead (up on the map) Follow the hallway into the data terminal reactor over ride room (do not hit the buttons yet on the wall) and follow it to the room on the left which leads to the locked cell where the inquisitor is at. While completing quests and defeating foes, players earn reputation with the various factions and sub-factions of the Ayarr Empire. Available on: Browser. From Mirla (a worker)'s room follow the corridor back to the main hallway beyond the Binary load lifter room, you wish to continue down that hallway to the left and follow it straight by passing the hallway on the right to the main room directly in front of you.

Defeating foes has chances of rewarding the player with rare items, which can be used to improve their hero and mercenaries. Make your way there and fight your way to Bors Teraud and kill him. Games. Now once back upstairs again follow the hallway on your Left, it will lead you around to the room labeled Experiment 1230 evidence, inside this room is the 3rd evidence you must download Evidence Disk aka the Experiment #1230 from the Data Terminal at LOC: -476, -3766. This hall leads to a room that you can pass straight through, but also has a door leading to an elevator on the left hand side, we will take a slight detour to pick up the two reactor core control rod's needed to complete The Warren later, Take that elevator down, at LOC: -557, -3802 click on the an Elevator Terminal and go DOWN, then follow the hallway on your left around the second hall I believe is the hallway that leads to a large room with an an Altered AT-ST (controlled by the brain of a Kryat dragon) in it. Imperial Hero II - Odkrywaj ogromny świat gry. Players of all factions can trade resources, consumables, items and rare goods.

1 talking about this. With the single purpose of becoming the Ultimate Hero.

This is done through the in-game auction house and the resource market.