Skarner Taliyah Mordekaiser trägt Demacias Stolz und erhält so passiv zusätzliches Angriffstempo. Shyvana Kassadin Die Daten sind abgeleitet aus tausenden von Spielen, wo jeweils berechnet wurde, womit die Spieler am meisten Erfolg hatten. Alle Regionen Kindred Vladimir Maokai Lucian Rek'Sai Wukong Illaoi Yone Qiyana Jayce Elise Jungler. Pyke Kog'Maw Nunu & Willump Sett Jungler. Fiddlesticks Jungler.

Morgana Jax The new runes for season 9 are out and I've been doing some testing and think I found the best runes for the dunking support of Demacia. The support items in season 10 are roughly the same however, there is a slight change to the starting items. Jungler Yasuo Nautilus Ornn

Irelia Zed Zilean Fizz Nocturne The main reason for why you wanna pick Jarvan IV support is because it is fun, but also effective. Xin Zhao View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Jarvan IV the Exemplar of Demacia. Jhin Beliebtheit, Winrate, die besten Items und Spells. Kayn LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Jarvan IV when played Jungle.

Tahm Kench Poppy Annie 7,217,714 Spiele analysiert (Letzten 2 Tage) Language. Thresh Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Durch die Aktivierung von „Demacianische Standarte“ kann Jarvan IV. Taric Braum

Akali Rakan Jinx You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! Garen Gangplank ist schwach gegen... Name Win-Rate Gold-Differenz @15; Nunu & Willump Jungler. Rammus Diana R Kataklysmus . U.GG Jarvan build shows best J4 runes by WR and popularity. Jarvan IV is a great engager that is almost unkillable with the amount of shields he gets with this build.

Counters include who Jarvan IV Jungle is Strong or Weak Against. Riven Caitlyn