The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time [USA] rom for Nintendo 64 (N64) and play The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time [USA] on your devices windows pc , mac ,ios and android!

Thanks Tim Graham for the review.

comment:7 Changed 5 years ago by Markus Holtermann In 3862826: [1.8.x] Fixed #24625-- Prevented arbitrary file inclusion in admindocs.

Legend Of Zelda, The - Ocarina Of Time (V1.2) is a Nintendo 64 emulator game that you can download to your computer or play online within your browser.

Download the patch from here: (To find the correct 1.0 rom, google "oot 24625") The Legend of Zelda: The Missing Link by Kaze, /Zel/, and CDi-Fails Ahh, Nintendo, you are also a game developer pop star right up there with Capcom, but Ocarina of Time though I give it a 10/10 this game is awesome, a must have for the N64.For copyright issues / DMCA requests, please check our Welcome to the Ocarina of Time Item Randomizer! In my opinion, this was the best game I have ever played.Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is a best game as it has a fabulous story and nice 3D graphics. The evil sorceror Ganon stole the triforce of power and Zelda the princess holds the triforce of wisdom and link holds the triforce power of courage.

That said, The Ocarina of Time is a good game. It isn't the best game ever made, and it isn't even the best Zelda game.If you've played any other RPG kind of game,this one will blow all of them out of the water.

The Discord Server for OoTR has over 37000 members eager to play, discuss routes, give setup help and race! Download Video Games Roms ISOs fo free! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It was the first 3D adventure in the Zelda franchise, a series that made a name for itself during the NES and SNES era of Nintendo gaming. Thanks Tim Graham for the review. This game is a defenite get and I suggest you start playing this game now. If you are a rando maniac, you want to be in there! Along the way, you must clear dungeons which are full of monsters, exploring and puzzles. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of the best video games ever made, and it originally released on the Nintendo 64 in 1998.

The storyline is like this as the three goddesses create this world and when they flew away through sky it creates three triforce. Fixed #24625-- Prevented arbitrary file inclusion in admindocs. You will be armed with a ton of weapons which add to the experience and not to mention the gigantic world of Hyrule you have to explore. You play as a young Kokori boy named Link who is destined to become the hero of time and defeat the evil Ganondorf. In this game the ocarina plays a great role as the entire game has a great role in it and also Master sword, which just sends the Hero Link to future about seven years forward. You must log in or register to reply here. Rating: ESRB: E, CERO: A, OFLC: G8+, OFLC: PG, PEGI: 12+ Play Now About OoTR. These triforce hold the Power, Wisdom and Courage. In this game the ocarina plays a great role as the entire game has a great role in it and also Master sword, which just sends the Hero Link to future about seven years forward.

It is the first 3d Zelda game released in 1998, developed by Nintendo. Play Legend Of Zelda, The - Ocarina Of Time (V1.2) game that is available in the United States of America (USA) version only on this website.

It still stands today as one of my favorite single player games of all time. The evil lord ganon just tries to get all these power to rule over the world but here the seven sages have to shut and seal him inside a realm, for which they need a hero Link to save Hyrule.When this game came out on the N64, it blew away my expectations. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is a best game as it has a fabulous story and nice 3D graphics. It is the first 3d Zelda game released in 1998, developed by Nintendo. If you were to try this,even on the emulator,you wont ever be able to put it down.

massive rom Emulators and Extra waiting you on Wowroms! As someone who has been playing Zelda games since the original was released on the NES, I feel like I know the series well.