Days of heavy rain trigger floods and mud slides, leaving 13 people dead and forcing more than 1,000 from their homes.Confidential report says Pyongyang is still producing enriched uranium, constructing experimental light water reactor.South Korea's central bank says agriculture, construction and fishing boosted growth despite impact of sanctions.North Korea's leader signals he has no intention of giving up nuclear weapons despite deadlock in talks with US.The three-year Korean War was brought to an end by a ceasefire agreement, but a permanent peace treaty has never been reached.Millions were killed during the three-year war, which began in 1950 when communist North invaded the US-backed South.If confirmed, it would be the first officially recognised case of COVID-19 in North Korea. Kim Jong Un reportedly rebuked officials over slow construction of a key economic project, showing effect of sanctions.The former US national security adviser discusses ongoing international conflicts and his approach to foreign policy. Die Regierung in Pjöngjang weist die Vorwürfe zurück“. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google The NK Pro, NK News and KCNA Watch websites do not support private mode or incognito browsing.A pastor weighs in on bible and balloon launches - NKNews Podcast Ep.143 Pyongyang is a microcosm of Korea’s past, present and future, from which one can learn about and experience the history, unique culture, wisdom, talents and enchanting customs of the Korean people. Hours after economic warning, South Korea officials said Kim had promoted his sister. Location of Korea. Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzungen für Nordkorea im Online-Wörterbuch (Englischwörterbuch). With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and … Breaking North Korea News, Opinion, Culture & Curiosities + Professional, Academic & Student resources on North Korea / DPRK English Wikipedia has an article on: Korea.
"The loss of embassy and aid workers in the DPRK may lead to dark era of extreme isolation and limited informationPastor Cho Hun Jung discusses why he thinks Bibles and leaflet launches to North Korea should be stoppedFormer NK News editor Oliver Hotham discusses his years reporting on the DPRK and how North Korea coverage is improvingMichael Breen discusses his broad career reporting on the two Koreas and his experience meeting Kim Il SungBenjamin Zephaniah discusses his trips to North Korea and teaching poetry to university students in PyongyangEric Foley discusses the challenges Voice of the Martyrs Korea faces from South Korea's crackdown on balloon launchesNK News's Chad O'Carroll and Jeongmin Kim discuss their investigation into the current situation of the six menState media revealed several demotions among top leadership and scheduled a major party congress for Jan. 2021Rumors surface yet again that Kim Jong Un is gravely ill and Kim Yo Jong assumed power — but most of it is likely falseEven if North Korea were to fall, its elite children would find their way into South Korea's middle or upper classThe last five-year economic plan was suddenly abandoned in 2020, but the DPRK now pledges to draw up a new oneTemporary withdrawals of Western European diplomats means fewer eyes and ears in Pyongyang for now, and in the futureBelarusians are protesting against dictator Alexander Lukashenko, and it's unclear how Russia will interveneNorth Korea may have been appeased by quiet, backdoor deals made by South Korean officials, professor Andrei Lankov saysMajor agricultural reforms aim to inspire farmers to produce more food, but not without age-old command and controlInternet Explorer is not compatible with this website. Learn the translation for ‘Nordkorea’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. Another Lockdown Looms Amid Coronavirus Resurgence Korea reported 397 new coronavirus infections on Saturday, the most since March 6. This is a list of all North Korean websites available on the public Internet. North Korea's economy grew in 2019 - first time in 3 years. Nordkorea wird für verschiedene Cyberangriffe verantwortlich gemacht, „darunter die auf Sony Pictures, Banken und die WannaCry-Attacke. Version 2.0.4 - October 9, 2018 - Change log. Zuvor war Nordkorea nur über einen einzigen Knoten über das staatliche chinesische Telekomunternehmen China Unicom mit dem Internet verbunden.