The air reservoir on this weapon can be overcharged briefly to give the weapon's shots more damage (and level flight) for a short period of time. Secondary Fire will throw the explosive underhand (shorter range, and different arc). If you can stay low, do so. The VSV, also known as VSK-94 (Войсковой Снайперский Комплекс or Military Sniper Complex), was a sniper rifle that saw limited use with several law enforcement organizations in Russia before the nuclear war that drove humanity underground.

Note the 30 rounds in the weapon's magazine is taken from your total reserve ammo; the reserved ammo number you see in the HUD doesn't take into account of the weapon's loaded cartridges. Ignoring the ladder and going in the old fashioned way -- from the bottom of the building and wading through tons of Nazi enemies -- seems to create a checkpoint when you reach the roof.

Ignore the enemies and only fire when they get in the way (or not, and save ammo). While the gun butt is handy against some doors and objects, it's not effective against enemies; the bayonet attachment is barely a help (small poke area) but it is stronger -- about the same damage as Artyom's knife swipe.

In Metro 2033 Redux, only one enemy uses it, so Artyom has to purchase it from weapon vendors.

Top Contributors: Simalcrum, IGN-GameGuides, ... Battle through the hallway of the building (the VSV should let you drop a few enemies before they notice you). Metro 2033. Also, full-auto will create a lot of recoil, making the VSK-94 difficult to control.

The basic survival knife, unbalanced for throwing except in rare circumstances. Keep that in mind as you play around with your new toy. Can be found in Biomass level on a shelf along with a VSV at the bottom of the reactor chamber. Be sure to check out the building's barricade area for more air filters and some ammo. Additionally, the knives can be recovered, making them perfect short range assassination tools. Once you've sent the message, you may want to get off the roof. Do that if you have the Sneaking Suit. Note that there is an achievement associated with this weapon.

Explosives that can be cooked (hold Primary Fire) before throwing. Except for long range sniping, the VSK-94 should serve the player well.

Like the Tihar, the weapon can be overcharged to deliver deadly damage.

The VSK-94 is also more accurate than assault rifles in game. Throughout Metro 2033, you will find different weapons. The shotgun can be opened and comes with 2 shotgun shells (3D printed)!

The revolver is Artyom's standard sidearm in dystopic Moscow. Laser sight no longer comes as standard equipment, so the player needs 22 MGR to improve hip-fire accuracy; this is especially useful in Ranger difficulties.

Depending on where you incur the checkpoint. There are several models of this weapon available, but the best one comes packed with a silencer and a scope, and it's all you need for the rest of the game. It has a small magazine (20 rounds, no more) and its chief attraction is its silent report. It's fairly powerful if you aim at the correct spots.

For a sniper rifle, this gun is under-powered and lacks accuracy at long range compared to Valve, Preved and Clapper, but its rate of fire, extra customization and relatively cheap ammunition allow its user for quick follow-up shots.

The VSV (sometimes represented as the VSS in other videogames) is a silenced automatic combat rifle.

This way, you will not accidentally shoot when the pumping action is done.

As with all primary weapons, the VSK-94 loaded with MGRs is capable of killing almost anything with a single shot on higher difficulties.

Although it is tempting to complete various levels with this inferior weapon, Artyom will get his hands on an AK (Kalash) after toughing it out a few levels. VSK-94 was developed on the base of the 9A-91 Carbine.VSV is one of the weapons in the Metro that predates the war and it is highly prized. This Mikhail Kalashnikov's design, based off the Sturmgewehr 1943/44, although the animation has Artyom reloading the weapon like it was an AK-74. Outpost.

Diese Waffe ist perfekt, wenn man auf Tarnung und gleichzeitiger Feuerkraft großen Wert legt.

Head up the slope and turn right. The lack of the higher magnification optic means the VSK-94 is not suitable for long range combat, but there is almost no situation in game that requires such attachment, 2x magnification scope should be good enough. Against enemies who wear helmets and ballistic facemasks, use the Tihar or Helsing, and aim at their necks.

The attachment system is the same as Last Light, meaning that there are more than two variants. It's possible to use the VSK-94 without a suppressor in The VSK-94 works well against the enemy at medium range, however, due to its smaller magazine and large cone of fire while firing on full-auto, burst fire is recommended. There is nearly zero chance for stealth in the levels after Polis.