It doesn’t feature just one primary entrance to the dungeon but instead eight separate entrances—four of which are caves that you can walk into and four are holes that you can drop down into.

Very early on you’ll see a fork that heads to the right, blocked only by a single bush. Go north once back out in the woods. So head south from the current room and then immediately out the front door to head back outside. In the Dark World, this cave is in the same place, although it leads somewhere else.Inside the cave, make your way to the top floor and you’ll see a gap. Once you’ve got the key, you have clearance to leave.Outside two Ropa will stand guard around the exit to the dungeon. The Skull Woods are situated north of the Village of Outcasts and west of Death Mountain. Want to try your hand at these challenges? A link to the past walkthrough. There is some extra magic underneath the pots on the right side of the room. Kill the various enemies in this next room (one drops a Mothula is uber-easy to defeat. Thus if you’re not always on the move, you’ll invariably be pulled into one of the Traps or Mothula itself. The most common method is to use the Fire Rod, which takes 8 hits to defeat Mothula. Welcome to The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past! Go ahead and exit through the door to the south.Back outside, walk up the path on the left side and you’ll see a strange looking structure.

The next dungeon is located at the northwest corner of the Dark World. Once the switch is open, go up into the next room. Link will need to pull the statue from the right side of the room onto the switch, which opens the door above. The Wallmaster works like the Magic Mirror.With the Big Key in your hand, it’s time to head back to collect the Fire Rod. When you've shot him about eight times with the Fire Rod, Mothula is no more. Once you enter, immediately turn to the right and then exit the Lost Woods to the south. Skull Woods Game(s) A Link to the Past (1992) Location(s) Skeleton Forest Main Item Fire Rod Boss(es) Mothula Skull Woods is the third dungeon in the Dark World, and the seventh overall, in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. This is the first game in the franchise to get a 16-bit release, and it would set the standard for many games in the series to come. Just south of the woods, at the edge of the village, a Fortune Teller tells explorers of special points of interest in the Light and Dark Worlds. Just south of the skull, there is a Bumper that is blocking the way. This guide will take Link through the quickest way, while avoiding any unnecessary rooms, as well as skipping getting optional items such as the Map and Compass. Make your way to the arrangement of 9 bushes and slash at them. Link will need to pull the statue from the right side of the room onto the switch, which opens the door above. Walk southward and use the Magic Hammer to hit the stakes. Four direct hits will defeat the boss. One surprising way to fight Mothula is to use the Magic Hammer. The item which he used was hidden within the confines of the Skull Woods dungeon." Welcome to The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past walkthrough.

Click on a region for detailed map. There is a cracked wall on the left side of the room. Just run with your sword out along the catwalk to kill any enemies in your path. Otherwise, just make your way around the room. But generally it will occupy the northern half of the room, leaving Link the lower half of the room to freely move.The fight starts with a series of Traps all bordering the edge of the room.

The spine will disintegrate, giving you access to the final third of Skull Woods. What you want to do is basically blast Mothula with your Fire Rod over and over again. The switch which does so is right in front of the door. Misery Mire is a dungeon that has a number of completely optional rooms and there are a number of ways to progress through the dungeon. Once you finally reach another fork with a log heading north and an exit to the forest south, head through the exit back to the outskirts.

This is the first game in the franchise to get a 16-bit release, and it would set the standard for many games in the series to come. The dungeon is very close now. Use the Magic Cape and walk directly through the Bumper. The next room has a single Hardhat Beetle and the Make sure you get this Small Key before leaving the second section.You’ll see another dungeon exit in the next room, but before heading out the door, there’s one Small Key that’s worth getting. When Link steps on them, the arrangement of the holes on the ground will change. The Skull Woods is located at the northwest part of Lorule. Kill the Hardhat Beetle as quickly as you can and beware for the Wallmaster in this room. It’ll take a while, but eventually Mothula will run out of steam and erupt in a fire.“If the evil one  destroys the Hero, nothing can save the world from his wicked reign.” Make your way to the cave that leads to Death Mountain. "The Burning of the Big Skull" "The largest Skull in the Skull Woods served as the entrance to Mothula's chamber.

Kill the two Beetles and then start wandering north. There's a Unlike other dungeons, Skull Woods has a vast number of entrances throughout the forest, hidden within large, gaping skulls. But you’ll have to head back to the first section of the dungeon. Seeing as you can’t head south due to the ultra-heavy stone, head northward, clearing your way through the bushes and skirting past the skeletal Cucco. Lift the skull pot that is in the center of the room. Exit the cave and grab the It’s now time to make our way to the fourth dungeon, Skull Woods. To do so, make your way to Kakariko Village in the Light World.