If you ask for THE best credit earner: that is the tier9 USN BB

Higher tier = better income. The best overall premium for credits, XP, captains ect is currently Atago since it is available (as opposed to MK which is not being sold, but was my previous #1 premium for all-purpose useage), and you can actually train DD, CA, and BB captains on her with decent efficiency.

Premium ships and Tier X special ships - ready vessels that can be purchased in-game for doubloons or Free XP, in the Armory or via select bundles within the Premium Shop.Premium ships are some of naval warfare's greatest legends come to life!

After quickly going over your statistics my recommendations for you (in order from best to "still good, but less recommended"): No, but the Alabama offers nothing special. Note that you can get premium ships for Doubloons, Free XP, Coal or Steel. Are there estimates or even dates available when that will hit? And a wellplayed Atlanta in Narai could easily achieved more then one million credits.

Higher tier = better income. [ADRIA] If you ask for THE best credit earner: that is the tier9 USN BB Missouri, but this freeXP ship is no longer available. Yeah well, having fewer guns doesn't exactly help though. After quickly going over your statistics my recommendations for you (in order from best to "still good, but less recommended"): All other premiums earn the same amount of credits on the same tier and higher tier premiums earn more. That's not because of the number of guns, german battleships have worse dispersion in general. Which premium ship is the best in World of Warships (In World of Warships, the prime intent of a premium ship is to farm credits. I am struggling to finance all the ships I have researched by the time I got the experience to unlock them. Wutwutwut! In World of Warships, the prime intent of a premium ship is to farm credits. If you are willing to buy a premium ship, Murmansk and Molotov are both excellent options.
But this is true for premium ships up to tier IX inclusive.

I missed one advantage of tier7 premiums: you can use them in tier7-Operations. t9 you can't straight up buy from shop as they require 750k free xp, but they earn the most. Unlike tech tree ships which represent entire classes of ships, premium ships represent specific historical vessels. Also better not buy a Tier VIII ship if you've not unlocked a T8 silver ship yet because you probably won't be competitive no matter how good the ship is. Oh, and you should wait a few days for summer sale ^^ basically a battleship so you know it'll never be nerfed

Also I've seen no mention of the Alabama here, is it that much worse compared to Scharnhorst/Tirpitz? And if you have no premium ship at all yet, then I would recommend a tier7 ship, because they have the advantage to be more toptier then their counterparts in tier8, which frequently have to face tier10 ships.

You also need to consider the competition in general. And the higher the ship’s tier is, the more credits she farms. Missouri gets the most credits but is currently unavailable. Am 15.7.2018 um 17:59, Commander_Cornflakes sagte:

Like buying Blyskawica and later getting hit by radar addition, stealth gunfire removal, global torpedo detection range changes (mostly increases iirc), sonar change to be better on higher tier ships, addition of German ships with even better sonar, and double plane skill.

Last time I checked ships like Saipan, Kaga and Kamikaze are not BBs This doesn’t matter since it doesn’t affect their farming qualities.As for tier X premium ships they don’t farm credits much, though they are great for farming Ship XP and Commander XP.

Credits are a important part of the World of Warships experience, many do not have the luxury of premium ships or time.

So a T8 premium is the best for you.

Seems like a must-have to me, what brand camo can I get for it? Tier 8 premiums are the moneymakers, but expect to fight 10s in at least half of your games.

If you are willing to wait a little bit - I'd recommend to wait for about 2 weeks and see if WG does go through with the Ashitaka Get the latest news and developments here and play for free!

And obviously you get more credits if you play better, so you should take a class you are good with. If you are willing to wait a little bit - I'd recommend to wait for about 2 weeks and see if WG does go through with the Ashitaka

That's not because of the number of guns, german battleships have worse dispersion in general.

The Tirpitz and the Scharnhorst have turtleback, great secondaries and torpedos for brawling. t7 earn less, but they are top tier most of the time.

Tier 8 premiums are the moneymakers, but expect to fight 10s in at least half of your games. And Alabama is a good ship, but you don't have much experience with American battleship's playstsyle.

Oh, and you should wait a few days for summer sale ^^ Ships such as But before that here's a TOP 10 list of the most OP low-tier ships just for lulz.A few explanatory words. Last time I checked ships like Saipan, Kaga and Kamikaze are not BBs Gremyashchy is technically the best option, but if you don't have one it is impossible to acquire one. Ceterum censeo getting a premium account would be a lot more effective when it comes to increasing the silver yield, but the current offers are not very good. Seems like a must-have to me, what brand camo can I get for it?

T5 or T6 is the best for farming credits.

This way you’ll not only have fun playing on your new premium ship, but raise your income in credits.

Wutwutwut! I discuss which tiers are good candidates for grinding out credits and highlight a couple premium ship tiers that are good options as well.