[ August 26, 2020 ] How To Watch BB Rewind, The Official Big Brother: All-Stars Aftershow Dani tells Nicole she has to get over it and chill.7:42 PM BBT – Janelle thinks Da’Vonne for not shunning her and Kaysar like most others are. More Articles... Advertisements : Big Brother Updates . blog How And When To Watch Big Brother Season 22 On CBS And CBS All Access The Veto likely decides which one goes first. Pictures, Transcriptions and gifs of the feeds By Simon and Dawg [ August 26, 2020 ] 10:24 AM BBT – Jessica talks to Nicole about how not one of the six have walked into the HN room in the four days they have been in there. They both talk about how irritating it is. [ August 26, 2020 ] She tells him she is nervous and is always paranoid no one likes her.12:00 PM BBT – It’s pretty quiet in the Big Brother house with everyone eating and lounging around the house.12:07 PM BBT – Sam tells Nicole that it’s safe to say she is going with the majority so she doesn’t look guilty. (TV-PG L) Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Week 3: Tuesday Night Highlights on Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Week 5: Wednesday Daytime Highlights
Wednesdays, Thursdays & Sundays 8/7c They both talk about how irritating it is. Christie says she doesn’t think that Nick would put them up and Tommy says he would want Nick to go after the boys (Jack and Jackson).
blog Enzo says he’s only eaten cough drops since being a have-not.9:50 PM BBT – Janelle says if she stays then she’s coming for Franzel.

Then she says she thinks everyone thinks they’re running the house. Big Brother 22: Counting The Votes In Week 3 [Poll] 8:30 AM BBT – Kevin is camtalking about how he is still star-struck by Janelle, but he is still upset that she didn’t consider him for their alliance. Janelle says she doesn’t like Franzel because she’s a backstabber and a liar (what Franzel did to the Reillys on Amazing Race).10:00 PM BBT – Janelle believes she’s the bigger target over Kaysar.

Cliff and Holly both mention that he seems to have resigned and Cliff adds that Sam just told him not to throw him any pity votes and just vote how he needs to.1:20 PM BBT – Christie and Tommy are talking and Tommy mentions that Nick told him the only people in the 6 that he trusts are Tommy and Christie. Cliff says that he is and it looks like it’s going the other way, but if it should change he would vote for him to stay without hesitation. Kaysar says that he is willing to work with him and rebuild trust if there is an opportunity to do so.1:52 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Tyler says if Janelle sticks around she’s more likely to get some kind of power.6:50 PM BBT – Tyler and Day talk about how no one is hanging out in the HOH room. These Houseguests Needed Some Ice After Zingbot's Sick Burns On Big Brother

Tyler’s win as HOH set the tone for the week and we know Janelle and Kaysar will be split up. How And When To Watch Big Brother Season 22 On CBS And CBS All Access We will have to wait and find out what happens throughout the evening.You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it!

Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 21, 2020:. Never Forget Kat Dunn's Ability To Turn A Phrase On Big Brother 21