But I do appreciate the sentiment. Le MMO d'arts martiaux a vocation à basculer sous l'Unreal Engine 4 et NCsoft continue d'enrichir le jeu (deux nouvelles classes pourraient être déployées prochainement). It doesn’t sound half bad. Well worth the effort given the recent declines for NCsoft.As for the rest? Play Blade & Soul now Let’s get it out of the way: Unreal Engine 4 will be coming westward, with assessment of when these upgrades can make it to our version of the game after the Frontier World servers in Korea go online. It’s success or failure will determine the future of this fun game.Epic-Apple lawsuit filings reveal Epic’s pre-suit efforts at securing competing payment optionsEpic secures early win against Apple for Unreal Engine, but Fortnite remains barredThe Daily Grind: What’s the most annoying ‘dark pattern’ in MMO gaming?Activision takes heat for poor female representation in its games over the last decadePlayers petition for better servers as LOTRO’s second wave of instability continuesMicrosoft general manager says Apple’s block of Unreal Engine ‘will harm game creators and gamers’ Let's discuss the history of when UE4 was announced back in early 2018, and why at this point I find it hard to believe it even exists for the live version. However to me personally, as long as there isn’t a date on UE4 upgrade, there would be no hype.Hmm. Heh. Le MMO d'arts martiaux a vocation à basculer sous l'Unreal Engine 4 et NCsoft continue d'enrichir le jeu (deux nouvelles classes pourraient être déployées prochainement). If UE4 is as advertised the game is going to go through a quantum fold improvement. I think he is being optimistic. Make sure to take a peek A side not: Not a lot of games can publicly release a month-to-month road map. © Copyright 2015-2020 - Overpowered Media Group, LLC BUT… let’s just wait and see how it goes.I do think it is smart to treat this upgrade as a new server launch. There’s still no timeline on when the upgrade is coming, but Coutant promises it will be some time this year. At least this way, the game will be intact and playable despite whatever issues UE4 encounters.UE4 this year? Seriously. If it does land this year it will be a huge boost to the game, though. New Hongmoon levels means a lot “elite” content will open up to the masses. Lors de son lancement en 2012, Blade and Soul reposait sur l'Unreal Engine 3.

Senior producer Nico Coutant has provided a look ahead that will be of interest to As for what’s coming up in 2020, there’s a roadmap laid out with new content already planned from March to June. New weapon tiers will refresh the grind for those that have to have them. Vers un basculement de Blade and Soul sous Unreal Engine 4 Par Uther 15/5/2018 à 16:17 16 Lors de son lancement en 2012, Blade and Soul reposait sur l'Unreal Engine 3.

Moyen À ce stade, aucune date de lancement officielle n'est encore annoncée, que ce soit pour la mise à jour graphique du MMO ou pour de nouvelles classes jouables, mais on retiendra néanmoins qu'après environ six ans d'exploitation, Blade and Soul reste l'une des priorités de NCsoft et continue d'être régulièrement mis à jour. The fact BnS does it is a plus. So, it will be an eventful few months.But let’s not kid ourselves. As a BnS player it is hard not to be excited. Players can look forward to a skill update and Hongmoon Level increase in March, a new part of the Rise of Silversteel story in April, a new weapon tier in May, and the third spec for the Force Master in June among other updates. There are too many things that could go wrong if everything and the kitchen sink was involved. At this point it is all about UE4. And that helps the economy too.