Zoo 2: Animal Park Categories: All Games Zoo 2: Animal ParkPlunge into the wonderful world of the zoo and save it from closing in the amazing game Zoo 2: Animal Park!As the heir of the small zoo, it’s up to you ensure its survival. The great success is no surprise, as the zoo animals have detailed animations and react to every single interaction of yours. 11Legends. 33 Prozent Rabatt bekommt ihr auf neue Ställe sowie auf Stall-Upgrades. GarbageGarage.
the area should be large enough to have about 6 stalls (2 food, 2 drink, 2 desert), 1 family restroom and 4-6 tables, 4 … My Sunny Resort. 3. The varied offer ranges from very small animals such as natives to true giants including elephants, whales and dinosaurs. Let's go! Lass dich verzaubern von diesem wundervollen Zoo-Browsergame. Did you already start wondering how the game works? Rail World Neu! Then check out this video: Die Herbst-Zuchtwoche läuft bis zum 15. Horse Farm Neu! Future Torpia. For instance you can attract more visitors with beautiful decorations and interesting stalls. The higher your level, the more animals can place in your zoo. My Fantastic Park. Five million players can't be mistaken: Zoo 2: Animal Park is an absolute hit in App Stores and is very popular among browser gamers as well. GAME FEATURES: Enjoy your favorite … Je 44 Prozent Nachlass gibt es auf Zuchtfutter und darauf, dass die Baby-Tiere sofort erwachsen werden. Oktober um 11:59 Uhr. Ihr könnt eine Wasserstelle im Gehege der Zucht-Tierart bauen. Didn't find anything? Then hop on! Uptasia Top! Five million players can't be mistaken: Zoo 2: Animal Park is an absolute hit in App Stores and is very popular among browser gamers as well. In diesem interaktiven Zoo Spiel schlüpfst du in die Rolle eines Zoodirektors und hilfst beim Wiederaufbau von Tante Trudes Zoo. Prove your business suitability, expand your business, increase your income and invest your virtual play money in the development of your Zoo. Kapi Hospital. Receive unlimited Diamonds to play Zoo 2 Animal Park. The great success is no surprise, as the zoo animals have detailed animations and react to every single interaction of yours.Feed and pet your animals or entertain them with a ball: You will see your panda, lion and co. react like a real animal.
With Sales-, Food- and Coffee stalls, a variety of visitors and decorations for more visitors and let the cash register ring powerfully.
Snack stalls, drink shops, and enchanting decorations: in the tycoon game Zoo 2: Animal Park it’s up to you to decorate the zoo to attract visitors. Wauies. Dann macht mit bei der neuen Wochenaktion in Zoo 2: Animal Park. Create an upjers account and register for the newsletter so that you don't miss any future games.
Dark Gnome. The higher your level, the more animals can place in your zoo. Build spacious enclosures for animals and make your zoo visitor-friendly with cafes, fountains, playgrounds, hangout spots, and more! Ihr könnt das Zuchtzentrum um eine weitere Stufe ausbauen. 2. The mayor has only given you two days to save late Aunt Josephine’s beloved little zoo and get people coming. Discover new items and features to master the entertaining challenges the game has offering you. Play now! Zoo 2: Animal Park Neu! My Free Farm 2 Top! Learn about species from all over the world and create the best zoo ever! Create your dream zoo with dozens of adorable animals by solving colorful puzzles! Battle of Beasts. With Sales-, Food- and Coffee stalls, a variety of visitors and decorations for more visitors and let the cash register ring powerfully. Whether on the smartphone, tablet or PC: upjers colorful animal world is available as a cross-platform game. zoo2 animal park versetzt dich in ein traumhaftes Spielszenario mit süßen Tiere, einer spannenden Geschichte und vielen unterhaltsamen Missionen. The patently cutest 3D zoo game delights gamers all over the globe! The more men, women and children visit your Zoo, the more Zoo Dollar you earn. 4. Sobald ihr zwei Level-2-Tiere einer Art habt, habt ihr in Zoo 2: Animal Park die Möglichkeit, ein Stufe-3-Tier zu züchten. Save your Zoo from destruction. Habt ihr auch Lust? Times and seasons have changed. Build the infrastructure of your zoo, set up a breeding station and take care of offspring, which will make your visitors enthusiastic. My Little Farmies Top! My Free Farm. every so often, evenly spaced and distant you should build small areas that contain food and drink stalls with a family restroom and atm. Wenn ihr zwei Level-1-Tiere Nachwuchs zeugen lasst, besteht die Chance, dass das Jungtier auf Level 2 ist. Create walkways. In this building simulation you hold the post of Zoo Director. Zoo 2: Animal Park ist ein kostenloses Browsergame aus dem Hause Upjers. Dadurch steigert ihr die Zuchtwahrscheinlichkeit um 5 Prozent. Slip into the role of