Damon goes with Vaughn to the cavern close to where Silas is buried and eventually overpowers him, but not before Vaughn injures Rebekah. However, it does not work on Stefan after he enters Damon's mind to make him conscious, but it does work on Damon. During Damon's time with Stefan, he starts to remember Elena, getting distracted with his and his brother's job. When Damon returns, he attempts to help her remember their love story, but the compulsion will not break. Damon Vorname: Salvatore Spitzname: Dam Geburtsdatum: 13. At Salvatore's mansion they bring a desiccated Silas, to trade Silas's life with Bonnie he must become mortal (witch). Damon wants to help Silas so that Silas can do a spell to swap his life with Bonnie as Silas wants to die. After Damon sees awoken up Elena, he hugs her tight, only to realize that it was Katherine who comes back from hell.
Bonnie, Damon, and Elena leave with Lily, leaving Kai behind. Es kommt zum Kuss zwischen Elena und Damon. Not wanting anyone to know he was in town and after giving her some advice about life and love, Damon compels her to forget. Damon allows himself to enter Elena's subconscious to say his goodbye, dancing with her and telling her that he'll never be ready to live the next 60 years of his life without her.
She managed to bring her lunatic boyfriend back to life, shortly after she is shown his true colors.

He then calls Stefan and the brothers attempt to track down Elena. Stefan saves Damon, who is now a human, and dies with Katherine. Stephen grabs the knife and kills Silas then Amara stabs herself. Damon urges Stefan to go get the cure for Elena, uncaring that there is only enough for one because he wants it for the girl he loves.

Stefan goes to Bonnie and Enzo's safe house where they hide Elena, and in order to get inside the house without invitation, he forces the realtor to change the owner in the contract and he kills her later. As the season progresses, Elena falls for Damon all over again as they search for a way to free Bonnie and she becomes a large part of his support as his good friend Liz Forbes becomes more and more ill with cancer. However, both Damon and Enzo threatened them and told them to stay away. In a truly selfless act, Bonnie manages to send Damon back while she remains in 1994 with Kai. The decision to give up on the cure after Elena kills a waitress and threatens to kill people. Enzo then reveals to Damon that Elena is still alive, renewing Damon's hope. Damon says his last goodbye to Elena, telling her that she is by far the best thing that has ever happened to him, and that being loved by her is "the epitome of a fulfilled life", as Elena sobs inconsolably. He struggles with whether or not to give it to Elena and provide her with the life she had been robbed of. Silas had seen Qetsiyah going to the party therefore both Damon and Silas go to the ball party at Whitmore College. He also tells him that the spell is permanent and any attempt to find a loophole in the spell will result in the death of both Bonnie and Elena. When she becomes a huntress, after her best friend Caroline and her boyfriend Enzo fail, Damon is the one to wake her up from her deep sleep. Damon and Bonnie grow really close to an extent that Bonnie who always tends to do the right thing, was ready to break any rule for Damon and went really far to help him. Troubled with the news that his mother is still alive after believing she had been dead since 1858, Damon's informed by Kai that his mother was placed in a Prison World due to being a Ripper and the heinous number of deaths she had caused. "Alaric is a vampire hunter looking to avenge his wife by killing the vampire that killed her. She then cures herself of her immortality by feeding off Silas. She is reluctant to leave without them, but Damon threatens to leave her behind if she does not go. When Damon realizes that he is a potential danger to his friends and family because he does not believe he is good without Elena, he decides to desiccate himself next to her. In a flash-forward scene, a medical student Elena is seen writing on her diary outside the Salvatore crypt in the cemetery, while a crow flies over her head as she sees Damon. Damon begins showing another side of himself in small acts that help build what once was an impossible friendship between Elena and himself after she clearly stated that he has lost her forever. When Sybil erases Elena from Damon's consciousness only to insert herself into their memories, Damon fights back, instinctively drawn back to Elena.