Dear forum visitor, It looks as though you have not registered for a forum account, or are not signed in. I Elvenar kan du oppgradere nesten hver eneste bygning, slik at du forbedrer produktiviteten og utseendet til byen din. Wähle zwischen Elfen und Menschen und entdecke eine zauberhafte Welt.

Join the mysterious fantasy world of Elvenar!

Kämpfe noch heute mit!Stelle dich göttlichen Kreaturen und beende die Tyrannei deiner Feinde!Errichte prächtige Städte, schmiede mächtige Bündnisse, nutze die Macht der Götter und erobere die Welt!Werde zum Herrscher des Mittelalters und führe Dein Volk zu Ehre und Ruhm in Die Stämme!Tribal Wars 2 – erbaue und befestige deine mittelalterliche BurgErkunde neues Land und erlebe spannende Abenteuer und Duelle! Erbaue deine magische Stadt in dem online Aufbauspiel Elvenar. These documents are a work in progress and were designed to help and guide you through your gaming experience as well as provide detailed information about the game mechanics and stats. Vitaj, pútnik, v online fantasy hre Elvenar! Explore the vast World Map to acquire the knowledge of your wise ancestors and discover new technologies. Elvenar to darmowa gra przeglądarkowa, w której można zbudować kwitnące miasto i odkryć magiczny świat pełen tajemnic. You can either become a skilled and well-known trader, refine your producing art or lead your troops to victory in 3D-animated battles, the decision is up to you.

Pro tvůj lid nastává úsvit nové éry. Vyber si elfov alebo ľudí a vybuduj bájne mesto v stavebnej fantasy hre Elvenar.

W Elvenar możesz ulepszyć niemal każdy budynek, zwiększając produktywność i poprawiając wygląd swojego miasta. Construye tu mágica ciudad en el juego online de construcción de ciudades, Elvenar, escoge entre Élfos o Humanos y descubre un mundo encantado. Po původních obyvatelích Elvenaru už se slehla zem a tato starobylá, nedotčená země se opět otevírá novým objevitelům.

This means that many improvements will be added in the coming months and that new game elements are still being developed. Negotiate or fight over powerful Relics to boost your production. Check out the newest episode for interesting information! Elvenar is a free-to-play browser-based game, where you will build a flourishing city and discover a magical world full of mysteries. Zur Nutzung dieser Seite muss JavaScript aktiviert werden.Führe deine Stadt aus der Steinzeit durch die Jahrhunderte und schmiede ein Imperium!Warlords of Aternum- Strategie mit Grips und packende Kämpfe.

Bygg den vakreste byen, og etabler det mest effektive økonomisystemet som du klarer! Read announcements and news about the game, and discuss the game with others.

Build up the most beautiful city and establish the most efficient economic system that you can! Or you can choose the engineering Humans option and be the founder of an industrialized powerhouse with medieval style. Read announcements and news about the game, and discuss the game with others. The game is still in an early stage of development. Read announcements and news about the game, and discuss the game with others. In this enchanting city-builder you can play as an Elf, be close to nature and give to your city a more magical plant-like look. Elvenar er et gratis (free-to-play) nettleserspill, hvor du kan bygge en florerende by og utforske en magisk verden full av mysterier.

Follow us on Facebook and get access to exclusive content & contests! Pre tvojich obyvateľov sa začína nová éra. Po pôvodných obyvateľoch sa už zľahla zem a tento staroveký, nedotknutý svet Elvenaru sa opäť otvára novým prieskumníkom. The game will be constantly updated and perfected considering our users suggestions and ideas, for that reason: play the game, engage in it and contribute to constantly improving Elvenar, helping us to take Elvenar to a new level of excellency! Elvenar.


If you are on a mobile device, there is a Help page for the The West erwartet dich!Forge of Empires – Mit Strategie durch die ZeitalterGrepolis – Erbaue dein Reich im antiken Griechenland We also strongly suggest that you visit the forum as it is a great source for information, suggestions and in-game experience. Zvol si mezi lidmi a elfy a vybuduj ve fantasy budovatelské hře Elvenar nové kvetoucí město. Elvenar is a free-to-play browser-based game, where you will build a flourishing city and discover a magical world full of mysteries.

Vítej, poutníku, v online fantasy hře Elvenar! In order to participate in current discussions or create new threads, you will need to register for a forum account by clicking on the link below.

In Elvenar you can upgrade almost every building, improving the production and the look of your city. Zbuduj najpiękniejsze miasto i ustanów najbardziej efektywny system ekonomiczny, jaki zdołasz!
In this enchanting city-builder you can play as an Elf, be close to nature and give to your city a more magical plant-like look.

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