The Space Stage is the final stage in Spore, beginning after the Civilization Stage and continuing for the duration of the game. Seaweed spores are used in the Farming skill and require level 23 in the skill to grow them. Buy the spice.
When visiting an empire that was already contacted, one of these options appears:

Though trivial, they can lift the creature up to high altitudes when contact is made. the player sells spice to Empire A and then collects more from their colony to sell to Empire B. That is, the desire for all spice colors seem to be equally likely and all potential prices seem to be equally likely.

This was proven in a computer simulation comparing every possible colony layout. A homeworld with maxed cities and the spice storage will have an output of roughly 900 spice an hour, maxing out about every 6.7 minutes, depending on the number of entertainment buildings and the worldwide happiness level The spice pirates, unlike the ones that appear for attacking, run when the player comes near. The spice can then be sold to other empires for Sporebucks, which is one of the primary sources of income for the player besides completing There are 6 different types of spice which vary in rarity and price on separate planets available in the Space Stage (not counting Each planet produces one color of spice, determined by the color of its star and the temperature of its surface (indicated by the color of their orbit trail). The player's When the player first makes contact with an alien colony, the price that will be presented to them remains the same, as long as they do not visit any colonies of another empire beside their own (i.e. The following table lists the consequence abilities that can be gained by playing in the previous stages for use in the Space stage. Trading spice is a nice way to start making the player's first Once the player has the cash to spare to place colonies, terraform, and build There are methods for acquiring colonies that have a spice storage capacity of greater than 30 in a star system. The player can collect it by leaving the planet or system and then re-entering orbit; opening communications and 'purchasing' it (there is no charge for the spice that a colony produces) through the trade option; alternatively, the player can hover over a colony and 'abduct' the crate. They have appeared in several stages that includes: Creature Stage, Tribal Stage (minor), Civilization Stage, and Space Stage. There are two categories when the contacting empire is at war with the player: To be honest - it's appearance doesn't matter, so …

On the side with only 2 spaces, place 1 entertainment building in one of the two spots. As a benchmark, Red Spice can sell for as high as 15,000 Sporebucks. There are also several kinds of stars. The pirates take only 1 spice unit, which (at max) is refilled in 2 minutes. This spice can be exceedingly or increasingly expensive in your systems. Place it in a colony, before the citizens can get to it. O represents a blue giant, M represents a red dwarf, and G represents a yellow dwarf, such as our sun. Selecting it will close out of the contact menu: 0. The net happiness will be 0. Is a Milky Way galaxie. oops.
First of all you would have to desing your spaceship.

If the player zooms into the Planet View, the player sees his or her radar pointing towards something on the planet.

A box of pink spice, can be found on a planet during the There are a number of ways to obtain spice. 0.

When you go to your star system that is in the trade route, you will receive the spice your colony has mined and the spice you have received from the trade route. The player does not need loyalty or happiness boosters since each colony has an implicit happiness of +2. For instance, red spice may be the primary source of income, selling for as much as 1.2 million Sporebucks per 99.