2016-08-08 14:32:46 UTC 2016-08-18 01:14:03 UTC 2016-08-17 08:58:04 UTC
Those hours indicate You will more information about the attack process of a Citadel in the next section, but for now, just keep in mind that it is recommended to find a nice balance, in your Vulnerability Schedule, between:Let's talk about the attack / defense process of a Citadel (and the new structures in general).
(Hint: Placing a Citadel at the poles is super cool, albeit a bit time-intensive since you need an interceptor to burn for the general location of the Citadel, and then save a bookmark there).If you decide to go that route, being overly precise with your bookmark on the 2D horizontal place will not be very useful, since you cannot actually place the Citadel on top of your ship, and since you can place the citadel many hundred kilometers away from your ship. During those 7 days, the Citadel will keep undergoing its usual vulnerability timers, and Likewise, other Directors and CEOs of the corporation can cancel at any point the Decommission procedure. (Indefinitely is an exageration as we will see below)In any other situation, they can just wait it out then attack once the timer has completed.But then you are wasting minutes of repair timer in exchange... Or you can just wait it out, then damage the citadel precisely one second after the repair timer is complete, not leaving enough time for the owner of the citadel to refit.If the defenders do not manage to push back the attackers, at some point they will put the current HP layer at 0%.
Enabling you to copy the Vulnerability Schedule of other structures of the same size (otherwise they won't have the same number of Vulnerability Hours anyway), for an easier use.Modifying the vulnerability window can be done multiple times in the same week. - Use that time wisely to move your stuff away!
- Likewise, those modules use Powergrid and CPU.Accessing the Fitting Window (and the inventory) of the citadel must be done in a somewhat awkward manner, because you need to In more ways than one, Assuming Control of the citadel is like boarding a big ship without engines.Modules and rigs can boost this range, up to a hardcoded value of 470km.High slots are the weapons of the Citadel.
This will immediately update the time remaining on any invulnerability timer.But be aware that, as opposed to Access Lists which automatically update all their affected Structure Profiles whenever modified, copying the Vulnerability Schedules of other structures will If you take another look at the previous illustration of the Vulnerability Schedule, you will probably notice that there are also dark yellow vulnerability hours on the Schedule.
10b/month for +10 with:
Very simply, every Citadel has a maximum amount of DPS that it can receive.
2016-07-26 08:17:38 UTC Depending on the size of the citadel, larger and larger ships are allowed inside:The number of people docked, online, inside the Citadel, Every ship being allowed to dock in a Citadel, also enjoys the benefits of Targeting of another player, or of the citadel itself, will disable the tethering. Up until the Citadel expansion, the only gameplay feature that came close to "housing" in EVE Online was POSes (also called Starbases). Yes, the Citadel is invulnerable during the 24 hour anchoring period, however they are getting popped en-mass in the first 15min of being active due to them being vulnerable. That is also why losing control of your Access Lists by naming rogue Admins in them can be disastrous, because losing control of them would require you to remove the lists from the Structure Profiles (which any Because a list needs to have an admin at all times to exist, and because admins have to be characters, if your Structure has some access lists that are "Let's talk about the defense mechanisms of Citadels.
More information below.A Fortizar Citadel (Size L) nearing the end of its deployment (3 hours remaining)Some restriction apply in high-sec when it comes to arming your Citadel, but overall, their use has very, very little restrictions. It is very pretty now that their visuals have been remade (May 2017) but you can try to be original too!One other option is placing it close to planets.