The process of "mirroring" consists of taking an exact copy of the Tranquility database, including character and account data, like a snapshot. Its primary function is to provide a test environment as close as possible to the live environment of Tranquility.

Experience intense team-based multiplayer dogfighting in Virtual Reality. If you need assistance, contact one of the CCP or ISD staff present on the server, or post in the  This means that the Player Experience Team will unfortunately not be able to offer any assistance regarding potential issues with access and game play on these servers.

The account needs to have been created before the time when the current mirror was taken. Goonswarm Federation. The market is seeded so that all market items cost 100 ISK and are in plentiful supply. Singularity (Sisi) is a public test server for EVE Online that is used by both CCP developers and EVE players to test changes and new features before they are released to the Tranquility server. In addition there are some other internal adjustments.

Test servers have a very strict set of rules.

All fitting of structures like Citadels is deleted and the assets of structures in W-space is moved to 6-CZ49 into asset safety. Author Previous Topic Next Topic: viverxia. If you want to be moved to M-OEE8 or some other destination, type  No Attachments with this Article Welcome to EVE-Offline.Net - a status monitor for EVE-Online: Tranquility; ok (38,256 players) Current vs. 30 min avg: +0.3% | 368 new pilots created in the last hour ESI; Server up since 2020-08-23 11:02:04

Agent memory (both standing and loyalty points) are removed. The account state will be the same as it was when the mirror was taken.

Sisi is used by players l… 8: 1164: June 21, 2020 Its primary function is to provide a test environment as close as possible to the live environment of Tranquility. Basic moon minerals are available in all moons, to help testing and prevent moon scouting on the test server. Alternatively you can file a support ticket to get in touch with a Game Master who will assist you as soon as possible. This is because Buckingham has hardware capable of running mass tests – something that our other public test server, Duality, is …

It became the logical choice for succeeding Singularity as the EVE public test server whilst we are in this transition period where Singularity is being used for the DUST closed beta. WELCOME TO THE EVE ONLINE HELP CENTER. This copy is then processed by the CCP Deployment team and all starbases are removed, in order to prevent players from spying on their positions and then using this information on the live server. The petition system is not used on Singularity and Game Masters will not be able to address issues related to Singularity. Singularity (Public test server) Status: Online Players: 97 Version: 18.08.1791399, EVE … Should players come across any unusual behaviors of the game while playing on these servers, they are encouraged to file a bug report using the bug reporting form either in game or on the community pages to bring those issues to the attention of our developers. In order to access the Singularity server you need to have an account on Tranquility. Once the EVE Launcher loads, it will show the current server at the bottom right:

For this purpose, the Tranquility database is "mirrored" (copied) over to the Singularity server once every few months (or more often, if needed by the CCP Quality Assurance department) in order to test the performance of the server and client with as many players as possible at the same place (such as fleet fight situations), periodical mass testing events are often held on Singularity as well. The main test server for EVE Online is called Singularity, or Sisi for short. At least one station per constellation is market seeded like this. For this purpose, the Tranquility database is "mirrored" (copied) over to the Singularity server once every few months (or more often, if needed by the CCP Quality Assurance department).

On here you are free to test upcoming features and changes, as well as participating in mass tests organized by CCP. Character progression on Singularity will be independent of Tranquility - players can effectively train two different sets of skills on the same character, if they so wish. EVE Online/DUST514, the EVE/DUST514 logo, EVE/DUST514 and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. For testing the performance of the server and client with many players at the same place (especially fleet-fights) there are periodical  The Singularity server runs on a multi-node server cluster, similar to TQ, but with lower numbers. Actions taken on the Singularity server will not affect your account or character on the Tranquility server.