This guy is a little piece of shit from germany.a true story from a very sad guy who lost his acc through this bullshit guy 26.11.2015 um 13:20 Uhr von Michael Bonke - hat einen aufwendigen TV-Werbespot zu World of Tanks … The voiceover explains how that was possible, giving the odds. Für mehr Details nutzen Sie gerne unseren exklusiven TVSpotter oder wenden Sie sich direkt an World of Tanks is an epic online multiplayer game featuring authentic tanks from the mid-20th century. I tryed to talk serious with him, even after his stream was closed, and in the end he got banned me from his stream, blacklisted me ingame and he insulted me in discord channel “Promod Discord Server” as a subhuman, as a fucking incest child and many more…Now a year ago i started with a new account and i use “Battle Observer” from Armagomen and i got no trouble until now.
He only hunt for the data behind the users of his modpack, cuze he sell the Data with every install of this bullshitpack. Even the guy behind this modpack is a asshole anyway, but he will not take care about his Modpack users. TV-Werbung von world of tanks in der Vorschau. Those are the ones dying first. Alle von Spotwatch in den letzten 120 Tagen identifizierten TV-Spots von world of tanks Hier finden Sie die von Spotwatch in Echtzeit identifizierten TV-Spots bzw. The spot, which encourages gamers to “do their homework,” stay calm under pressure and rise to the challenge of signing up and mastering World Of Tanks, features Frank, a young man who has just a battle in this action packed strategic shooter. In this new campaign with Brave we have brought that to the forefront, dramatizing the complex decision making that leads to victory in World of Tanks with an ad that celebrates what makes our players special. So guess where all those banned cheaters go to.That’s the only believable number here, and says plenty about the quality of the RU playerbase.More than 2/3 of players use illegal mods …….that they are all cursed forever …….its fake or what? World of Tanks & World of Warships News and HeadlinesI would believe only RU numbers…all the other are pure liesmy Russian is non existent but the russian numbers… oh boy!I would call it a drop in the ocean, but i think its more a drop on the surface of the sun.Now you see how many ppl with 5-10000+ fights are there that DO NOT MANAGE… those are bots. Take control of steel beasts and battle through historic locations where strategy means victory. iam using zj aimbot + tundra on EU and i wasnt baned and also i play every day like 10-20 compensate your small dick, brain or maybe both? dont understand goatfuckers like you.lil boy geting mad on me? We hope this message will resonate with even more players and invite them to discover that in World of Tanks your brain is your most powerful weapon”.News & Info about TV Spots from all around the world. EU: Today, we’ve taken another step in this direction and placed a massive ban wave across all servers.In this wave, we’ve penalized 1,460 accounts in the EU region.955 of these accounts have received their first warning, and 505 have been banned permanently.. NA: Today, we’ve taken another step in this direction and placed a massive ban wave across all servers. - Father and Son - YouTube World of Tanks - Hell Yeah, Tanks! World of Tanks: Aufwendiger Live-Action-Werbespot. I will and i would give any other the advice to DONT USE PROMOD. Those are the ones you often find sitting in base wiggling turret.Another thing to keep in mind besides the fact that WG are lying cunts, is that russian players use VPN to play on EU servers. The free-to-play MMO PC video game “World of Tanks: The Art of Winning,” developed and published by Wargaming, is advertised in a new commercial from agency Brave and directed by Stephen Pipe.The spot, which encourages gamers to “do their homework,” stay calm under pressure and rise to the challenge of signing up and mastering World Of Tanks, features Frank, a young man who has just a battle in this action packed strategic shooter.The voiceover explains how that was possible, giving the odds. ruining the game for the other players and for u too – for what?
man i enjoyng tearing ebrs at theyr full speed with autoloaders mostly,4 rounds from lorr yesterday to ebr 90 he was ma ¨d on me in chat like you ahaha iam laughing on ppls like you xdThen i tryed to talk to Alex aka OldSkool directly through his stream, and the only answer i got from him was, that he dont believe me and i must have used other “forbidden” mods.
It turns out he reads Sun Tzu’s “Art Of War,” rise to the challenge and builds an enormous pirate ship-themed bed for his daughter, and wins at a game of Jenga against a dreaded opponent by staying calm under pressure.“Because in this game the greater the challenge, the greater the victory,” the voiceover adds at the end of theWorld of Tanks contains a catalogue of over 500 of history’s most iconic tanks, where players are invited to compete in epic online historical tank battles.Felix Morgan, Global Head of Strategy, World of Tanks said in a press statement: “As video-games have become more mainstream there has been a trend towards ease and accessibility, but over the last decade of our existence World of Tanks has retained our focus on delivering a game with depth and complexity. Die Ankündigung von Update 1.0 ist die Schlagzeile des WG-Fests.