I have 3 mates also around the same area give or take so it's not just me or any particular skill level as I'm an average player. It takes the player too long to grind for the required SL or RP points to get their respective favorite vehicles, not to mention the modules everyone has to, in addition of advancing forward, research for said vehicles. Personally I don't believe people would stop playing the game once they've achiveved their desired vehicles(I have and yet continue anyway).

I don't want to spend any money on this game anymore because I know how little in the end it counts.

The rest are almost untouched. But the progression has to be on that sweet Goldilock zone which is really hard to find and the fore mentioned broadness of the game is also a factor that scares new players away. These, in War Thunder, are the Premium vehicles and Golden Eagles with which you can go through your research tree most faster. It also doesn't help that this game is advertised with our top vehicles in the lime light(Which I understand because it's the pinacle of the game) only a few low tier vehicles being showed. This is not good and not build on a foundation for a long-term plan.

It is fair to state that these are my experiences and far from the best. Arranging a Mystery Santa Clause present trade is a good thought on the off chance that you need to exchange holiday gifts with your huge family, gathering   of companions, or even associates.

This is not good and not build on a foundation for a long-term plan. But not that fast that the grinding process won't take from an experienced, above average player, months to grind a completally new tech tree. The recent addition of the Swedish vehicles, if a player wants that nations premiums for both Ground and Air Battles, will have to pay 110€ to get the best once, or either pay more than 200€ for Golden Eagles to use your excess RP points to research all the ground vehicles(But not to purchases them so it's gonna cost even more money), and that isn't even taking to consideration other nations which have either 2x or 3x as many vehicles and a Naval tech tree as well. He 51 B-2/H — Was given as one of the presents on 2014 War Thunder's birthday and later on 2015 Day of German Unity. It's no secret getting on a budget can truly assist you with dealing with your accounts and meet certain objectives.

I'd like to say i've been part of this game long enough to understand almost every aspect of it, and perhaps with that has come an understanding what this game needs. So that's 1 top tier vehicle not including the Crew training(**** there's a lot to waste your money on in this game). You have to keep in mind that War Thunder is a free-to-play game and therefore anyone can download it for free without paying a penny. It didn't take me too long to have bought my first GE and Premium account.

Made a mistake posting the question. The majority of these   worldwide organizations have wide dissemination systems and a great many retail stores spreading everywhere throughout the world.... 17 Ways to Clean Your Home on a Budget Unless you’re a neck bearded basement dweller, we all want to measure during a clean home. This is a free-to-play game. You have to keep in mind that War Thunder is a free-to-play game and therefore anyone can download it for free without paying a penny. In no case do you have to spend money on this game but then this leads to players basically being stuck most of the time grinding SL.

I'm not the best player and I also happen to play only an hour or two now a days, previously obviously more, but in 6 years that has mounted to a lot of playtime. It takes the player too long to grind for the required SL or RP points to get their respective favorite vehicles, not to mention the modules everyone has to, in addition of advancing forward, research for said vehicles.

I think one or two of the content creators have already touched this subject and I believe those were theScottishKoala and Mikegoesboom(Controversial figures but still make a good point). As a Free-To-Play game it isn't new for this type of games to have some aspect of paying to get special accecories. Even at it's cheapest, for some this game is costing them 2x or 4x the price of a AAA game. This is a free-to-play game.