If a whale is a person who spends a to of money on gacha, a minnow or even dolphin is someone who spends some, but not a lot. I have hopes! It may or may not be. Then you hop on Discord again and talk about how you think X character should use Y weapon or how X character and Y character are really strong on the same team. If you got the confirmation on the web/storepage than you should be good. As mentioned above by VanillaCakeIsBurning, mihoyo is setting up a multiverse of sorts. I totally get you, lol. An expansive, beautiful Breath of the Wild-style world with button-mashing combat is a simple sell, but we’re intrigued nonetheless.So we’re rounding up everything we know, so you can have a one-stop spot to get all the latest details. Similarly to the Final Fantasy universe some names from Honkai reappear in Genshin. Then someone says the opposite and you theorycraft.
The GenshinERA discord I'm making will only be advertised on the OT and maybe the gacha hangout thread, so it won't get too big. Or other endgame activities? Small Discord servers are great.
After combing through all the information in the manga and in the betas I think I have a pretty good idea of what the 7 regions will be but one: | 38,977 members Talking to your friends about your favorite characters, coming up with strategies for newly released content, complaining about how gacha sucks. I keep hearing that PS4 version is delaying to September, Is that true? oh thanks, I tend not to look at stuff for a game too much, especially story based ones, not sure how I'd know who or what I want the day it launches without watching more than I'd like to see before launch. Talking to your friends about your favorite characters, coming up with strategies for newly released content, complaining about how gacha sucks. Are you meant to get a confirmation e-mail for a successful pre-registration? I don't know how that works but seems weird. ;) I don't want to go through all that trouble and I don't want to get into any trouble. It's almost on an The Elder Scrolls game level. Aww...why though? Genshin Impact |OT| The First AAA Adventure Game from a Chinese Developer If there has been another adventure game (or any kind of game in general) from a Chinese developer that has been as ambitious and with as massive of a budget as Genshin Impact, please do correct me.
Personally, I am hoping for less depicted regions, like the Arabia, Asian steppes, the Himalayan Plateau, and South Asia. You pop it on, grind for a couple minutes, and turn it off. It's funny how little info there is on this online. All that remains is the most important step: adding the discord emojis.I agree in that sense that I find forum discussions far easier to follow than Discord. For example the name Murata. Genshin Impact is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated upcoming releases as we slowly trudge through the second half of 2020. I guess in the US it is a well known slogan? Also from CBT3 I remember her event being promoted from the start in the menu. Then you hop on Discord and talk about how the new character is super overpowered or totally sucks. Then you hop on Discord again and talk about how you think X character should use Y weapon or how X character and Y character are really strong on the same team. But at the same time, I do think there is a great OT title in someones head that can positively reference it, we just need to find it. Can't lie, I want an Egyptian themed place if only because I'm rather into the aesthetics and history. PS4 update soon I hope? It's basically ready. While the RPG was initially announced for iOS, Android, PS4, and PC, the Nintendo Switch was notably absent. Oh my, there was a PS4 client update and I already see presentation changes. Even if it's a positive reference to BotW, I feel it'd be best to avoid just cuz either way it'll still invite people to compare them, and a lot of people are really salty about it. Yeah, I agree on 'Breath of the Waifu' wanted to just add it for fun. And after release you don't really need an open beta for a F2P game, do you? I toughed my way through floor 2 just now and opened 3... and then got a maintenance notice a few minutes after. Got the entire (available) map open now. I've only done a few so far. These are cultures that are rarely depicted in video games, and neither Japanese nor Western AAA developers seem all that interested in exploring these aesthetics. For anyone who has played through the story in this game so far has there been any mention of I think I'll preserve my sanity and just play with the hand I'm dealt with (and then whale for the rest lol).Everyone keeps saying re-roll but I have no idea what it means lolStart a new thread to share your experiences with like-minded people.We want to create an inspiring environment for our members and have defined a set of guidelines. :( It'd be awesome if the discussion kept on going here and in the future OT.