Reprised his role of Jim Douglas in a "Herbie" TV movie in the late 1990s. He continued to work in films and television, though not as much. Usually played a man who gets outsmarted by animals or machines Le 22 septembre 1971. Dean Jones, Actor: The Love Bug. Marié une première fois avec Mae Inez Entwisle, il divorcera en 1970. In films, Jones was the lead in hugely successful Disney movies, holding his own against scene-stealing co-stars that included a cat ("That Darn Cat! Le fantôme de Barbe Noire. Plus Belle la Vie Celebrate National Dog Day with a look at some shows that feature a few of the most adorable dogs on TV.Looking for something to watch? Oscars Télé Réalité Dean Jones est né le 25 janvier 1931 à Decatur, en Alabama, aux (États-Unis). Mariage Biographie Jones est le fils d'Andrew Guy Jones (1901-1979), un travailleur de la construction itinérant, et de son épouse Nolia Elizabeth Wilhite (1902-1977).

Born in Decatur, Alabama and christened Dean Carroll Jones, the actor's father worked for a railroad company and the family moved often, living in Washington, DC, Nashville, and New Orleans. Les Marseillais

A born-again Christian, Dean Jones has appeared successfully in the one-man show "Saint John in Exile," which he subsequently filmed as
Dropping out of school at 15, he worked for a short time singing in a club in that city, but when the club closed, he returned to Decatur and got his degree but Jones had gotten the show business bug. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Disney Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Cinéma.

Dean Jones (84) died on a Tuesday, the 1st of September, 2015, in Los Angeles. La cane aux œufs d'or . a list of 84 images Tous les tags Il avait 84 ans. Britney Spears And he was sometimes critical of Hollywood. Grammy Awards Justice Lady Gaga Despite his success, however, Jones' personal life was a shambles.

a list of 68 people Les Anges Le 13 septembre 1968. Dean Mervyn Jones AM (born 24 March 1961) is an Australian cricket commentator, coach and former cricketer, who played Tests and One Day Internationals for Australia. Dean Mervyn Jones AM (born 24 March 1961) is an Australian cricket commentator, coach and former cricketer, who played Tests and One Day Internationals for Australia. Puis, il épousera l'actrice Lory Patrick en 1973, avec qui il restera jusqu'à sa mort. Danse avec les Stars