Stylized collectable stands 3 ¾ inches tall, perfect for any Kingsman fan! When a disgruntled American threatened Harry, he attempted to fight the group but was quickly overcome by their sheer strength. Charlie quickly escaped with the case holding the drone activation device. Harry's candidate for the position of Lancelot quickly jumped on the grenade, saving the unit at the cost of his life, but he still felt guilty for not properly searching the man. He did not, which when he met Harry again made him very disappointed in him, revealing that the gun he was handed was filled with blanks.

Harry saw some Kingsman potential with the recent death of Lancelot, and they went to a bar where Eggsy had gotten in trouble with some of his stepfather's goons.

Before leaving, he told Eggsy to stay and that they'd finish it when he'd return. Meanwhile, Eggsy was on his last Kingsman test: shooting his dog. The Kingsman tailor shop was open once again. Charlie quickly escaped with the case holding the drone activation device. Merlin and Ginger tried to trigger the return of his memories by flooding his room as a nod back to Harry’s training days believing that his natural instincts would kick in. Harry quickly incapacitated Poppy whilst Eggsy injected her with a dose of heroin laced with a more potent strain of her virus. Then let me teach you a lesson." Harry and his unit were conducting a raid in the Middle East when their captive pulled a grenade. He gave a bravery medal to the deceased agent's widow and his son, Seventeen years later, Eggsy called the number and used the code to get himself out of trouble after having been arrested for stealing a car and driving dangerously. Still posing as a billionaire to him, he suggested he buy a top hat to go with the suit. He is the son of Michelle and Lee Unwin. Statesman head Champ revealed they had acquired a distillery in Scotland and would help rebuild Kingsman effectively making them liquor sellers as well as tailors with the help of Statesman. Harry offers him a chance to become a Kingsman agent, taking him to the Kingsman Mansion for training and testing. He is portrayed by Welsh actor Taron E…
Harry Hart is a Kingsman agent and one of two agents to use the codename Galahad. Director Matthew Vaughn said that the forthcoming Kingsman 3 will wrap up the saga of Taron “Eggsy” Egerton and his mentor, Colin “Harry” Firth. Still posing as a billionaire to him, he suggested that he buy a top-hat to go with the suit. Sometime into his training, Harry was made to shoot Mr. Pickle (though unknown to him the bullet was actually a blank as part of their training). Harry quickly subdued one of the mechanical beasts with the help of With the mission a success, the two agents prepared to release the drones to the world but were stopped by Agent Whiskey, who revealed he had his own hidden agenda to stop all drug users as recompense for the death of his wife and unborn son at the hands of two drugged individuals who tried to rob a store. "Manners. "Manners Maketh Man. Trying to appeal to Harry by saying how he chose the army as a career lead him to Kingsman and that’s how they met, still could not bring back his old friend. Willing to test him, Harry placed a bug on his shoulder without him noticing before letting him leave. Harry and Eggsy were thanked by Statesman and both agents were offered the role of Whiskey which they both declined. Eggsy became angry at Harry, believing he was still under the effects of his recent trauma and saved Whiskey with the Discovering the location of Poppy’s hideout in Cambodia, Eggsy, Harry and Merlin flew there to steal the device that could help release the drones that dispensed the antidote. Ginger explained that as result of his amnesia Harry had forgotten who he was. They quickly entered the code and saved the lives of millions of people. Saved by Agent When Poppy Adams announced that she had laced every recreational drug in the world with a virus that caused a blue rash that would lead to mania, paralysis and then death. Finishing his drink, he apologized to Eggsy about it, saying that he had some pent up anger after the death of one of his associates, and was about to wipe his memory of the event when Eggsy said that he could keep a secret. When Richmond Valentine experimented his radio frequency using the church. Before joining the Kingsman agency, Eggsy was a rough street kid who frequently got into trouble. Before leaving, he told Eggsy to stay and that they'd finish it when he'd return. Following Valentine's trail to Kentucky, he attended a bigoted and hate-filled speech in a church. Realising what he'd done, he exited the church where he met Valentine with his henchwoman Whilst at gun-point, Valentine joked about how their situation was similar to that of “old spy movies” they both shared a liking to, before stating it wouldn't have the same ending where Harry won and shot him in the eye, where Harry was presumed dead by those witnessing it. Unfortunately, with the realization that Harry could drown, Merlin aborted the test. Eggsy visited Harry and presented him a Cairn Terrier that resembled his long deceased dog Harry was given all the essential Kingsman attire, including his suit, watch, umbrella and modified glasses with a blacked out lense to accommodate Harry’s lost eye. Harry attended the wedding of Eggsy and Princess Tilde, proud that his protégé had achieved so much, and repeated a saying made by one of the Kingsman founders. The two were not able to reconcile in time, as Harry had to leave to track down Valentine.