Die Leistung deines Team war fantastisch", verneigte sich "Fergie" vor "Kloppo" und dessen Mannschaft. Der ehemalige Trainer von LFC-Erzrivale Manchester United wurde vom deutschen Erfolgstrainer nach dem Titelgewinn aus dem Schlaf gerissen.Es gibt im englischen Fußball kaum eine größere Rivalität als die zwischen dem FC Liverpool und Rekordmeister Manchester United.

Du hast es durch und durch verdient. Ein Liverpool-Fan hat die Feierlichkeiten nach dem Gewinn der Premier League verpasst, weil er im Krankenhaus liegt.

This week's Champions League fixtures have further highlighted the system Jurgen Klopp has built at AnfieldLiverpool supporters have been presented with a peculiar viewing of the one-legged knockout rounds of the 2019/20 Champions League.The Reds’ last-16 elimination to Atlético Madrid back in March feels like a long time ago now – mainly because it is. Im Meister-Rausch des FC Liverpool hat Jürgen Klopp offenbar etwas über die Stränge geschlagen. Und Klopp legte einen denkwürdigen Auftritt hin. Liverpool (dpa) - Meistertrainer Jürgen Klopp vom FC Liverpool hat Thiago als tollen Spieler bezeichnet, aber gleichzeitig auf den laufenden Vertrag des Spaniers beim FC Bayern München verwiesen.

Jürgen Klopp ist bekannt dafür, seine Mannschaft, den FC Liverpool, während 90 Minuten am Spielfeldrand anzufeuern. Yet however watching the current Champions League feels for Reds supporters, there are valuable lessons to be learned as the top European clubs do battle.It might be a slight stretch to say that Jürgen Klopp will be sat with his pen and paper out in front of the TV; he’s got his own job to focus on at Liverpool.But for the wider Liverpool fanbase, it provides an opportunity to watch what other clubs may or may not be doing better than the Reds.On the latter point, Barcelona stand as the obvious example of how not to operate as a football entity.Despite both clubs boasting rich histories in their respective countries, comparisons really do stop there at the moment.Barcelona have become a prime example of how not to run a football club.

Denn nachdem Liverpool die Meisterschaft sicher hatte, ließen es die Reds offenbar so richtig krachen.

"Deine Persönlichkeit zieht sich durch den ganzen Klub. 03.06.2015 But there are plenty of parallels between Liverpool's championship season and this one which will help Jurgen Klopp navigate the season. August 2020, gestern und dieser Woche.

Sometimes they’ll include recommendations for other related newsletters or services we offer. Diese Woche lernt er Rühreier zu machen, nächste Woche steht Krawattenbinden auf dem Plan. Jürgen Klopp und Liverpool-Stars danken Helfern in der Corona-Krise 27.03.2020 - 16:50 Uhr Jürgen Klopp hat Botschaft für Liverpools Fans – und verschweigt ein Thema Ourexplains more about how we use your data, and your rights. Seine erste Begegnung mit dem Schotten "war als würde ich den Papst treffen".Jürgen Klopp erlaubte sich einen Spaß mit Alex Ferguson

Zu spüren bekam dies ausgerechnet Sir Alex Ferguson. Deshalb sucht er sich zuhause neue Beschäftigungen. Jurgen Klopp 2020/21 will feature a jam-packed schedule. Jürgen Klopp ist der neue Trainer beim FC Liverpool: Der Traditionsverein stellte den ehemaligen BVB-Coach heute als neuen Team-Manager vor.

Jürgen Klopp kann sich "den Tag nicht vorstellen", an dem er nicht mehr Trainer des FC Liverpool sein werde. The 53 … Wie alle Top-Ligen Europas wird auch die Premier League sofort unterbrochen.Liverpool-Trainer Jürgen Klopp Jürgen Klopp's Liverpool have reached such a level that Lionel Messi is an afterthought.

So sehr, dass Jürgen Klopp nachts noch zum Telefon griff, um Sir Alex höchstpersönlich unter die Nase zu reiben, dass der LFC neue Titelträger ist. Fantastisch. Or is it perhaps down to Liverpool’s success in Madrid last summer?Losing is slightly easier to stomach when you’ve enjoyed the heavy heights a year before. But the way in which attacking responsibilities are distributed across the front three is a truly impressive achievement.As shown above, that Firmino, Salah and Mane rank highly for expected goals is the first noteworthy element about their contributions.But the fact they all sit in a similar place shows how the attacking responsibilities at Liverpool are distributed evenly and, therefore, it alleviates any pressure on one individual.As we see with other players included, no team’s forwards rank in such a similar way to the Liverpool trio.What this tells us is that Klopp has constructed a system that enables them to receive similar quality chances and comparable chance creation.That marks in contrast to the likes of Jamie Vardy, Raul Jimenez, and others who all register good numbers but not with such a spread of Liverpool’s front three.On top of that, they also rank well when we take a more granular look at their activity in the final third through touches in the penalty area and shots taken.While the latter is not totally illustrative of performance, the aforementioned xG numbers indicate that all three are placing themselves in good quality shot-taking situations.And, in the graph below, all three Liverpool forwards place very similarly again.While we know of Salah’s high output as an attacking option for Liverpool, the placement of Mane and Firmino in the chasing pack shows how all three are involved in both taking shots and registering touches in the box.Again, with the exception of Manchester City, no side has a similar level of output from multiple players in attack.What this shows is that the Reds not only operate at a high level with the current personnel but that similar levels could perhaps be replicated by other players in that system.Could Liverpool replace Firmino, Salah, or Mane like-for-like and earn the same output?

Dort gratulierte der Schotte dem Deutschen von ganzem Herzen zur Meisterschaft. Yet the defeat to Diego Simeone's side doesn’t seem to hurt as much now as it might have done.Is that due to the amount of time since the second-leg at Anfield? You can unsubscribe at any time. Of course not.But such an even distribution of attacking responsibilities highlights that Klopp is not dependent on one player and favours systems that ensure multiple threats across the pitch,When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters.

Der sich ausbreitende Coronavirus bestimmt nun auch immer mehr die Schlagzeilen im Fußball.