Das 122-mm-Geschütz haut ordentlich rein und hat auch eine recht gute Nachladezeit, doch durch Solltet ihr in einem Gefecht auf zu stark gepanzerte Gegner treffen, versucht ihnen mit HEAT-Granaten beizukommen, oder konzentriert euch lieber auf leichtere Ziele. The project was to feature parts and components of medium and heavy tanks. Selecting another region may affect the website content. Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction.
Prendi parte alle battaglie di carri armati leggendari gratis di WoT World of tanks - comparing tanks side by side: 112 vs. VK 100.01 (P) They can try to hide, but the 112 will hunt them down with its great top speed before delivering a devastating punch. Auf sozialen Netzwerken teilen
Existed only in blueprints.
Cold and resolute, the ice dragon calms and counterbalances the explosive character of his younger brother.
The 113 tank was a further development of the 112.This tank was removed from the Chinese tech tree and the Premium Shop in update 9.15, but re-added in 9.17.1.
The unique Premium Tier VIII heavy tank personifying the ice dragon. However, some sources state that a 152mm cannon was also planned, but this is unlikely considering the industrial level of China at the time.
The development of the 112 tank started in 1962.
It trades 20mm of side armor for an additional 20mm on its front, still heavily angled, giving it an effective armor of more than 250 mm at the front. Spielweise Schauen wir uns die Panzerung an, sehen wir, dass der 112 recht solide gebaut ist.
Also, the upper plate relies entirely on sloping to provide protection; taller tanks (of which there's plenty, given the 112's low profile) will be able to shoot on it from above and thus dramatically reduce its effective thickness. The unique Premium Tier VIII heavy tank personifying the ice dragon. Face-hugging is ill-advised against such tanks.
A bitter rival of the Blaze WZ 135G FT.
These two are always together but remain in eternal confrontation.
Im Nahkampf zählt jeder Treffer, daher sind schnelle Nachladezeiten und hohe Zuverlässigkeit unabdingbar für den 112.Eine recht übliche Wahl an Besatzungsfertigkeiten. WOT - free-to-play online multiplayer tank battles simulator made on the basis of the famous wars and the modern war vehicles from Wargaming.
The development of the 112 tank started in 1962. Avoid tracks, mantlets and Super Pershings like the plague, as they will simply absorb HEAT fire.
Chinesische Fahrzeuge scheinen zwar den Sowjetischen recht ähnlich zu sein, doch alle Fahrzeuge haben einzigartige Eigenschaften, die sie von den „Originalen“ aus der UdSSSR in ihrer Spielweise unterscheiden. Selecting another region may affect the website content. The gun is a typical, modernized clone of the legendary 122mm D-25 series, featuring rack-blowing 390 damage, a rather poor 186mm of standard AP penetration and a good 530 damage HE shell for softer targets.
The 113 tank was a further development of the 112. This lead to the development of several projects such as the 112.
The 112 is at home brawling in tight, enclosed spaces, where the thick, sloped frontal hull and very strong turret come into play and the infamous inaccuracy of the D-25TA is irrelevant.
No matter how dire the situation may seem, the
Do remember that it is HEAT, and does not react well to being fired at spaced armor. Talking about armour, the 112 is literally very solid. Easy access to game statistics Existed only in blueprints. No matter how dire the situation may seem, the VIII 112 will take it head-on. Unlike Soviet heavy tanks, the armour isn't sloped horizontally, or in other words, it doesn't have a pike nose, allowing you to angle the armour much better. The project was to feature parts and components of medium and heavy tanks. WoT Panzervergleich - 112 (China Schwere Panzer) daten, alle panzerspezifikationen Da ihr euch meist an vorderster Front aufhalten werdet, bekommt ihr entsprechend oft die Ketten gezogen. Existed only in blueprints.
Wer daher glaubt, der 112 sei dasselbe in grün wie ein IS-6, sollte sich auf eine Überraschung gefasst machen!