Use care in icy tunnels: the Magic Rod shoots a flame straight ahead that will eat right through a row of blocks.There’s a lot to see and find in this dungeon, so go after the big stuff first. Talk to it to learn its weaknesses.As you explore the Mysterious Forest, you’ll come to a Magic Shop concealed within a hollow tree. Write it down, so you’ll have it if you get lost.The Maze instructions in the Dark Secrets and Mysteries of Koholint book are assigned randomly from a pool of four code series.After you’ve collected all the required items and learned the path you must take, meet the Owl at the foot of Mount Tamaranch. Pick up the Toadstool and head back through the tree. This one is shaped like a clay vase similar to those found everywhere on Koholint Island.
You also can use the Hook Shot to bring things closer to you—collapsible bridges, for example.This attack works just like a normal attack.
Make sure not to fall through the cracked floor, and head up one room and right, killing the Zols that appear from the floor.
)The tunnel at the dungeon’s mouth returns you to the mainland.Once you have the Flippers, you can explore the caves along the river. Otherwise, return to previous rooms and take the tunnel.In this room, first eliminate the Pols Voice (the bunny rabbit) by moving the blocks aside and hitting it with a clay vase. Skip that route and go west.Fill the gap in the middle of the room with the Moving Tile to reveal a chest with a Small Key. (This is only one of three Mad Batter Lairs.)
Afterwards, play Manbo’s Mambo to warp over to Crazy Tracy’s house. Make your way back down towards the shore and walk right as soon as you reach the sand. Eliminating this enemy reveals the chest with the Compass.You’ll find Crystal Switches which control the block barricades throughout the Bottle Grotto. This keeps Link away from the creature’s grasping hands while inflicting more damage than a Sword alone.If you’re Bomb-less, you must get a little too close for comfort. If you have the Shovel in your inventory, take Bow Wow into the little Bow Wow’s doghouse and see what happens.When Bow Wow accompanies you into monster-infested areas, he proves his worth by filling his tummy with enemies. You’ll use a lot of Bombs in this dungeon, so look for reloads under every vase.The tile path leads to a dead end—or so it would appear. When it explodes, it uncovers a hidden entrance.
Use the Roc’s Feather to jump from platform to platform in the tunnel; then climb out into the dark room on the other side. Poon’s cryptic clue refers to its own states. The Flippers allow Link to swim in the deeper water of Martha’s Bay and the rivers around Tal Tal Heights.
Then climb the stairs and use the Hook Shot to get to the other side of the ledge. From there, make your way into the room and up the next. Experiment with it.Bombs are the best investment you can make. Blocks obstruct your passage through the doors; pry them apart using the pulley in the room’s northeast corner. The Bird Key waits on the other side.Using the correct exits is key to finding the Bird Key.To open Eagle’s Tower, move the stones around the keyhole and insert the Bird Key. To prevent this, keep on your feet and dodge his attacks.
The Cemetery’s vigilant Ghosts watch over the graves with an admirable ferocity.
The Flippers also allow Link to dive underwater: press B as you swim.Once you’ve acquired the Hook Shot from the Catfish’s Maw, you can use it to pull yourself from place to place.
It appears like he is casting a bad spell on you, but in reality, he is now allowing you to carry up to 50 units of magic powder! To begin with, he’s very good at sniffing out Secret Seashells. Fragments of the fourth floor will drop to complete the third floor.You know where the Mirror Shield is located. way to learn what you should do next at any stage. Guardians defend almost every item of value.
This triggers the appearance of the Chest with the Map.Jump down through the hole to the first floor; head east to one of this dungeon’s four Crystal Switches. Leave it alone for a while and pull the lever back to open the passage west.Go west, then head north into the room and toss the Horse Heads until they’re both upright.
Or simply push them out of your way with your Shield and avoid waking them.The easiest way to clear the path is to move the Armos Knights gently with your Shield.A giant Armos Knight guards the Face Key in the Southern Shrine.