(transitive) to adorn, to decorate 1918, Elisabeth von Heyking, Aus dem Lande der Ostseeritter, in Zwei Erzählungen, Phillipp Reclam jun., page 73: Die Hauptfassade war mit einem griechischen Giebel und dorischen Säulen geschmückt worden, […] The main facade had been decorated with a Greek gable and Doric columns, […] Schildergasse 65-67 Lindenstr. Am Forum 1 Peter Gilray Schmuck (born September 8, 1955 in California) is a retired American sportswriter.. Schmuck has been a reporter for the Orange County Register, and later a reporter and sports columnist for The Baltimore Sun since 1990. 11 Meddosestraat 5 Heinkelstraße 1 Haugerpfarrgasse 5

Created in a multifaceted city like Berlin by an international creative team, EDITED stands out with inspiring and trend-focused fashion that is simply fun. You may click the link to switch the active language.LeGer by Lena Gercke, die größte Personal Fashion Brand Deutschlands von Lena Gercke und dem Fashion Online Shop ABOUT YOU präsentiert die neue […] You have to choose at least one area Deutschland. How to use schmuck in a sentence. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'schmuck.' Anichstr. Botermarkt 20 Schmuck für Frauen Große Auswahl Top-Marken Kostenlose Retoure Zahlung auf Rechnung Mauthstraße 13 Oudegracht 364 With modern looks, current trend pieces and a strong focus on the house-owned brand EDITED, stands for a unique mix of clothes, accessories and shoes for women passionate about fashion.

Malserstraße 28 Deutschland. 1 Osterstraße 175 Koningstraat 22 Schmuck, or shmuck, in American English is a pejorative term meaning one who is stupid or foolish, or an obnoxious, contemptible or detestable person. Wall 8-14 Montag - Samstag: Ballindamm 40 Bürgermeister-Fischer-Str. Eerste Constantijn Huygensstraat 25-27 Untere Gasse 23 The word came into the English language from Yiddish (Yiddish: שמאָק ‎, shmok), where it has similar pejorative meanings, but where its … Javastraat 75A Löwengraben 15 To view a photo in more detail or edit captions for photos you added, click the photo to open the photo viewer.Flowers added to the memorial appear on the bottom of the memorial or here on the Flowers tab. Schanzenstraße 97

Klosterallee 110 Your edit did not contain any changes from the original.