This guide will explain how you can get to the Mountain Waterfall in The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening.You’re going to have to first return to Tal Tal Heights, which you visited earlier in the game prior to taking on the second dungeon in the game. Once this is done, he must scale the cliffs into which it leads and then jump off the edge in order to land in front of the … Glücklicherweise gibt es im Remake eine neue Funktion, die es euch erlau… The Waterfall is a location from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.
Die waren immer gut versteckt oder vergraben und wenn man 20 hatte - … Go down this ladder here and fight off the enemies or just run past them to the east if you so choose.Keep heading east and at the north end of the path you will finally see the Mountain Waterfall you’ve been looking for this whole time, which houses a lock out front for you to enter Angler’s Tunnel, the fourth dungeon in the game. There are some moments in The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening where it’s very obvious on where you need to go and other times where it’s not quite so obvious.
Let us know what you think!Kanalet Castle, Golden Leaves Locations WalkthroughTo Angler's Tunnel - Animal Village, Yarna Desert WalkthroughReturn the Ghost, Road to Catfish's Maw WalkthroughAll Heart Piece Locations - Link's Awakening for SwitchHow to Get the Ocarina and All Songs in Link's AwakeningAll Secret Seashell Locations - Link's Awakening for SwitchMad Batter - Magic Powder, Bomb, and Arrow Upgrade Guide Welcome to The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening for Switch walkthrough and guide, which will take you through all the parts of Kolohint Island, from … Once Link has defeated the Lanmola in Yarna Desert and has obtained the Angler Key, however, he can use it to stop the flow of the Waterfall. Video Game News, Reviews, Guides & More | Attack of the Fanboy | © 2019 Modern Media Group All Rights Reserved Bevor wir mit der Lösung starten, wollen wir euch mit einigen offensichtlichen wie nützlichen Tipps versorgen, die euch eventuell helfen können, wenn ihr einmal nicht weiter kommt. So oder so habt ihr ein Problem, wenn ihr die Worte vergessen habt. Zelda Europe Lösungen – The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening – 100% Komplettlösung Tauschsequenz 1: Steuere im Kranspiel die Yoshi-Puppe in der Mitte an (achte auf den Schatten des Krans), um diese zu erhalten. There are some moments in The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening where it’s very obvious on where you need to go and other times where it’s not quite so obvious. In Zelda: Link's Awakening wird nicht viel geredet. Tauschsequenz 2: Vom Wunderkran-Laden geht es nun dreimal nach oben und einmal nach links.
When you are instructed to find the Mountain Waterfall for the fourth dungeon in the game, you assume you have to head to the northern mountain area, but actually finding how to get there can be a bit trickier. Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening – How To Get To The Mountain Waterfall In Zelda: Link's Awakening gab es schon im Original für den GameBoy die sagenumwobenen Zaubermuscheln. 1. Link's Awakening ist sicher nicht das größte Zelda, dennoch ist es angesichts seiner Handheld-Herkunft durchaus erstaunlich, wie groß es doch geworden ist. When you are instructed to find the Mountain Waterfall for the fourth dungeon in the game, you assume you have to head to the northern mountain area, but actually finding how to get there can be a bit trickier. When you finally can’t go east anymore, head a big south and remove the rock blocking yet another path east. This adventure is set on the mysterious Koholint Island, where castaway Link must find a way to escape from the island and return to his beloved homeland of Hyrule.This guide is written narratively, mostly in the third person, to give it a story-book quality. Once you make it back to the Moblin base where you rescued BowWow before, head north and use your Power Bracelets to remove the rocks in your way to get to an upper path.Once you are on this upper path, start heading east as far as you can while ignoring the ladders along the way. Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch) - Zoodorf, Durstwüste und Taltal-Höhen: So bekommt ihr Links Okarina und erhaltet den Wunderschlüssel von Lanmola. Nintendo's fantasy adventure hero returns in the epic quest The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.
Located in Tal Tal Heights, the Waterfall blocks entry to Angler's Tunnel.
Euer nächstes Ziel erhaltet ihr meist in kurzen Textzeilen nach dem Abschluss eines Dungeons oder der Uhu gibt euch einen Hinweis. There are more steps to actually get inside this dungeon, which you can also find in this guide