Chapter 12 - Regina: Look for a doorway that is blocked by water. Just stand still and wait until he tells you to take off your gas mask. Chapter 17 - Nightfall: Go inside the first building of the chapter (it contains a pair of night-vision goggles), and look for an optional room to the left of the fallen wall ramp. Copyright © 1997-2020 Cheat Code Central. Chapter 28 - The Garden: After a brief encounter with the Mother, it will leave before the final confrontation. It is recommended to use military rounds instead of the normal ammo, as it does a lot more damage and will make completing this task much easier.Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement.

The goal is to simply kill all the mice within the time limit. Go to the first Nazi controlled building, where a Demon snatches a fleeing Nazi, and fight through the area until reaching the upper level of that building. Our Metro: Last Light Redux trainer has over 13 cheats and supports Steam.

Chapter 23 - The Crossing: While on the ice, you will find a sunken boat sticking halfway out of the ice floor. Chapter 26 - The Dead City: Early in the chapter, look for a table with a phone to find a diary page next to it.36. Look inside the second story of the base building to find a diary page on an old terminal.6.
There is a red switch. Chapter 5 - Separation: When you encounter a man who surrenders before reaching the exit of the area, look on the desk near the man to find a diary page.7.

A similar Armor Suit is also sold by a vendor next to the Ammo Exchange in Polis.In addition to buying the Sneaking Suit at the Armory Station, you can get a pair of nightvision goggles at Front Lines. Chapter 22 - The Chase: After boarding the train car, look to the right to find a box with a diary page on it.31. Chapter 5 - Separation: After separating from your female comrade, you will need to get through an area full of enemies. Shortly after the announcer says "Thank you and please come again", you will get the "Patron Of The Arts" achievement.During the entire "Bridge" chapter, you cannot kill any enemies to get the "Rain Man" achievement. Just do not attack any of the enemies, and try not to get hit -- and use med packs, if necessary.Shortly after the "Venice" chapter begins, you will have to go to a strip club. Keep exploring down the tunnel to find a corpse, with a diary page right next to the body.39. These Metro: Last Light Redux cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game. We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. The diary page is inside that subway car.27.

Chapter 7 - Torchlight: After climbing the subway car, check the skeleton on the right to find a diary page.9. Activate it to free the prisoners and get the "Freedom!" In the front row, on the right side, is an open seat. If it's not, you will still have the option of giving it a try or requesting an update! However, do not follow them just yet. Chapter 2 - Ashes: Before using the ladder at the start of the chapter to exit through the sewer grate, continue down the path instead. Chapter 11 - Revolution: After encountering three enemies, continue down the stairs, but stop before entering the next guarded area. Running is easier and you will not run out of air (your gas mask consumes air over time, and you will die if it is empty). By continuing to use WeMod, you accept our use of cookies, revised Steam Check the lower left bunk bed to find a diary page.13. Mutants stalk the catacombs beneath the desolate surface, and hunt amidst the poisoned skies above. Our Metro: Last Light Redux trainer has over 13 cheats and supports Steam.

While in the Library, the two rangers will say the titles of several books.
Metro: Last Light Redux. So only three of them need to actually be found. Sit down, and wait approximately 10 minutes until the show is over. Chapter 21 - Khan: When meeting with Khan and he is looking up in a curved chamber, search for a locker near a corpse to find a diary page.30. You will get the achievement after seeing the seventh vision inside the old Metro.After the Boss fight with the bear in "The Garden" chapter, you will see some Watchmen attacking the back of the bear. #12. Win the mini-game three times, and the man will give you a teddy bear. Choose from thousands of trainers to use on our platform and even request your own games. Near the tanker is another building guarded by tentacle creatures. From there, follow the instructions in the app to join the fun.WeMod uses advanced technology to detect the game version you’re running and will let you know if it's supported. Chapter 19 - Contagion: When you encounter a burning area where soldiers are patrolling, one guard will have his back to a subway car inside a large square room.