I think you really need to be playing like a full on psychopath to get the bad ending in this one, such as killing people who surrender to you and unarmed fanatics and prisoners. Duke and Damir stay with the crew, Alyosha doesn’t get wounded. In terms of Duke dying, did you do some of the other actions in the area? Find guides to this trophy here.
eine Provision vom Händler, Because of a Load glitch, I had to go back from Caspian-1 to start the game from scratch. Peacefully, there's no reason for anyone to stay behind. One of the locations in Metro Exodus is called the Caspian Sea. Preferably a pacifist one near the end of the area however anything will do at this point.
To help Duke survive you have to:You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page.This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Deep Silver / Koch Media or 4A Games. Escape through the window when the guards start knocking on the door. [Hint: Do NOT ever Load the "Slot 1" Saved game. In this chapter in our guide to Metro Exodus, you will learn how to help Duke survive the visit in the Volga.There are 3 important choices in the Volga that will determine the chapter's ending.
Read this page to learn how to find the real Baron. Das gute Ende könnt ihr übrigens auch erreichen, wenn eines eurer Team-Mitglieder die Geschichte nicht überlebt. So first off as you probably already know Metro runs on a morality system but it's super fidgety. Für die Im Folgenden beschreiben wir euch genauer, welche Dinge ihr für das Neben diesen generellen Verhaltensweisen solltet ihr zudem noch folgendeZudem müsst ihr keine Nebenmissionen machen, könnt Sklaven töten oder ihren Herren überlassen oder einfach wahllos Feinde von hinten mit dem Messer meucheln. There are 3 important choices in the Volga that will determine the chapter's ending. Metro Exodus Full Strength trophy and achievement guide. Die Figuren sind durchnumeriert. How to keep Duke alive in Metro Exodus? Metro Exodus: Alle Postkarten und Tagebücher - Fundorte im Video. He’ll either stay behind or join you. Sucht beim Zug, nachdem ihr Anna gerettet habt, zuerst Katja im Außenbereich auf und dann den Oberst in der Aurora. 0:03 You save Duke on Volga. You can’t hurt any of the Children of the Forest, aka Pioneers.
Reach the boat and swim away. I had to knock out the guy in the church by the big barrel fire just by the outside exit You must avoid killing cultists, specifically at the church, when stealing the boat and when approaching the leaders office.5:40 You can recruit Damir to stay with the team on Caspian. i don't need good ending. The Aurora is the primary vehicle and one of the main aspects of Metro: Exodus. Im Folgenden beschreiben wir euch genauer, welche Dinge ihr für das gute bzw. Duke got killed even tho I killed no one I have killed many of the militant fanatics on 3 runs and I've never got Duke killed. The Aurora (Russian: Аврора) is a heavily modified steam locomotive, boarded by Artyom and Anna to find a new home far to the East in Metro Exodus.
He will either get shot at the end of the chapter or jump on the train with you. One of your goals here is to eliminate the Baron. But in the second, I avoided killing anyone on the second level of the bridge. These actions will also put you on the path for the good ending. As for the guitar, I don't know exactly how to trigger it, but this is how it worked for me. I seem to remember that there are a couple of points where you can help the cultists and do nice things etc to up the positive outcome chances. Metro Exodus: Die tote Stadt Nowosibirsk – Finde einen Weg zur U-Bahn, Kirill treffen Metro-Exodus-Komplettlösung: Mit Miller zur Metro gelangen und Kirill im Untergrund schnappen. ... Metro Exodus . Eine detailliert gefertigte … Duke Trophy in Metro Exodus: Duke survives - worth 30 Trophy XP.
To help Duke survive you have to: Escape from the Church unnoticed. It starts the game all over again and IMMEDIATELY creates a new Autosave which supersedes all previous Quick Saves.]