The Metro Exodus lighthouse mission bug takes place in the Caspian region of the map, which is chapter six in the game. File must be atleast 160x160px and less than 600x600px. Metro Exodus Komplettlösung: Giul. or drag an image. i had the same problem and realise that on my approach to the light house i took a small path that leads underground which is where the mission takes us after the light house and i activated a power supply down there, im wondering if that would be the issue since we're supposed to activated that only after coming down from the light house, just a thought Yep, all of that progress you’ve made has been for nothing if you encounter the Failing that, the only other option is to wait until Deep Silver and 4A Games patch through a fix for this bug. Please, help. I have run into the exact same issue as you, I stealth killed my way up and now I can't progress cause she won't acknowledge me or lower the boat. Opening the Properties screen of Metro Exodus; Once you’re inside the Properties screen of Metro Exodus, go to the Local Files tab and click on Verify Integrity of the Game File. DLC and expansion packs. Browse. Exact same problem here, I don't know what to do, I even drove back to the Aurora and got some more save along the way, tried to reload from there and went back to the lighthouse, killed all the enemies loudly but still nothing Reloading my last save and going loud still resulted in the same issue. Update avatar. I got past the bug by just completely restarting the level. as soon as you knock out the last bandit, go near the lighthouse Looks like restarting the chapter is the only way, for now. Feb 18, 2019 @ 5:20pm Guil's lighthouse mission bug I knocked all the enemies near Giul's lighthouse, but she doesn't let the boat down. AUTONOMOUS MACHINES. Name Notes; Expansion Pass : Includes The Two Colonels and Sam's Story. METRO EXODUS HOTFIX-NOTES - 27/05/2020. DEEP … Dazu gehört das Entfernung Denuvos, Filter-Behebungen für Sams Story und Epic-Save-Backups. I just hope there are not anymore bugs like this that will pop up when we start getting deeper into the game.

Either way, you’re going to have to make a less-than-positive decision.Welcome to the new GameRevolution community platformAffiliate Disclosure: Evolve Media LLC, and its owned and operated websites may receive a small commission from the proceeds of any product(s) sold through affiliate and direct partner links.monitoring_string = "9825918b2b361fb0e003f4935ce18ae6" She's giving you the silent treatment. Or has ther been any since release? That would be the case, except some players are running into a glitch that means the boat doesn’t materialise. Please, help. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. man.. f*ck this I ain't restarting the whole chapter, I am playing on ranger difficulty and done so much stuff before heading to the lighthouse, I don't want to do it all again, I hope a patch come soon to fix this :( All rights reserved. Posted by masterdark21: “Metro Exodus hardlocks my pc or crashes to desktop in dx12” Posted by masterdark21: “Metro Exodus hardlocks my pc or crashes to desktop in dx12” Profile. © Valve Corporation. Same issue here, but im not playing it on Steam, do you guys know when will update come?

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Platforms. alpro. Es ist uns eine große Freude, bekannt geben zu dürfen, dass ein neuer Patch für Metro Exodus nun für alle Plattformen erhältlich ist. Sobald ihr die Angreifer vor dem Leuchtturm besiegt habt, lässt Giul für euch den Fahrstuhl runter und ihr könnt den Leuchtturm selbst betreten. Jeesh. CLOUD & DATA CENTER.

It is a pain but luckily it is not too far into the chapter. Sparhawk122. You could be waiting a week or two for that to happen, depending on how long it takes to solve though. < > Showing 1-15 of 37 comments . Update avatar. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Metro Exodus > General Discussions > Topic Details. Verify the integrity of game files The Two Colonels : Sam's Story : Essential improvements Skip intro videos . I knocked all the enemies near Giul's lighthouse, but she doesn't let the boat down. Metro Exodus. Vielen Dank für Eure Geduld.

I think I did see something about scripting issues in their bug notes and it states that reloading chapter fixes it but I think I am going to wait till the next patch before I go restarting the whole area over again. The game allows you to skip intro video by … Metro Exodus Aurora Limited Edition (Retail) Includes the base game inside a steelbook case, the Expansion Pass, a physical and digital artbook and the digital soundtrack. Feb 18, 2019 @ 5:30pm Jeesh. Threads such as this one have been popping up on the game’s Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the only way to solve this problem is to restart the chapter.