Gas, smoke, spores, or anything else unpleasant floating around in … There are several ways that you can do this. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Looool, going to try it, had no idea there is such an option, if it works guys, beers on me. Let’s talk about that.To fix your gas mask in Metro Exodus on the go, and earn the Martian trophy, all you have to do is complete a button prompt. Now, the game gives you a button prompt, that’s true. Metro Exodus: Stucked with broken mask [SPOILER WARNING!] After you do that, your character will take a piece of duct tape and patch the mask. This takes you to your equipment menu where you can manage some items that you carry along with you, including the gas mask. Repairing your gas mask in Metro Exodus is one of the most important mechanics of the game. 35. 1 year ago. The guns are busted up and need cleaning. How to Wipe Your Mask in Metro Exodus. The other direly important thing to keep in mind while wearing the gas mask in Metro Exodus is the amount of time remaining in your air filter.Make sure to keep an eye on the time you have remaining in your filter, and hit left on the D-Pad to swap it out for a brand new one.Artyom is at his most vulnerable while wearing a gas mask, so it’s important you keep his gear in tip-top shape.It’s full of helpful info, from general things like how to get more crafting materials, to more specific matters like how to turn on the generator and open the dam door.Atelier Ryza 2 Gets New Screenshots Revealing New Characters & More on FamitsuHere Are the Animal Crossing Fish & Bugs That Are Leaving in AugustMicrosoft Flight Simulator – This Is What Flying Into Hurricane Laura Looks LikeHello Games’ The Last Campfire Gets New Trailer; Releases TomorrowWhich Pokemon Trainer Type Are You? Metro Exodus: How to Repair Gas Mask. To find the picture of Guil’s mother, you’ll have to check one of the side rooms in the bunker. A broken gas mask usually means you’re gonna die real fast.
With that in mind, here’s our To repair you gas mask in Metro Exodus, there are two things you can do: fix it at a work bench, or patch it up on the go. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.Anthem Launch Times on All Platforms Revealed – Early Access & Full Release If you’ve played a Metro game before you should be familiar with how the gas mask works, as Artyom will usually put it on automatically as you enter irradiated zones.However, while you’re trekking along on your adventure in Metro Exodus,  the mask will consistently get water, mud, blood, or any other number of vile liquids splattered all over it.You’ll need to wipe off your mask to keep your vision clear while fighting off enemies. Here’s how to repair the gas mask in Metro Exodus.Just open up the workbench menu and hit the right shoulder buttons or click on the gear icon all the way on the right. This series staple plays a big part in Exodus, but occasionally it gets pretty broken, and needs some repairs.

For more on that, check out our Once at the work bench, switch the slider at the top of the screen to the vest icon, to the right of the Guns section. I think it might be the health key but not sure. Metro Exodus is, in many ways, a pretty rote FPS attached to a setting that deserves much better. Knowing when to use the gas mask in Metro Exodus. Work benches can be found all across the map, in the safe houses. First off, let’s cover the work bench method. © Valve Corporation. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Metro Exodus > General Discussions > Topic Details. Anomalies make a return in Metro Exodus, this time on the surface. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him.
If you run out of filter time in Metro Exodus, the gas mask will not work and you’ll be at the risk of death. It has a lot of benefits and in this guide we'll tell you How To Remove Mask In Metro Exodus. They are more active at night. Anyone got any ideas how to fix this? Please help. The trouble is that, if you’re playing on Ranger Hardcore difficulty, there are no button prompts. Tab over to the equipment menu and repair the gas mask just like you would clean a weapon. February 15th, 2019 by Kyle Hanson.