Europe The youngest in the Spartan Order is Duke, who is very eager to test his own limits no matter what is at stake. They all try to make their way to the far east. Flee the shattered ruins of the Moscow Metro and embark on an epic, continent-spanning journey across the post-apocalyptic Russian wilderness. Maar nu, als Artyom, moet je de Metro ontvluchten en een groep Spartaanse Rangers leiden op een ongelooflijke, continentomvattende reis door post-apocalyptisch Rusland op zoek naar een nieuw leven in het Oosten. United States Worldwide
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Worldwide Shrimps look like, yes, you guessed it, normal shrimps.
Worldwide Worldwide Artyom is the main protagonist, a Moscow-born young man that He has spent his entire life hidden in the Moscow metro and is quite fed up with the situation. This form of aquatic mutant likes to attack at long range.The Demon is a huge beast, the deadliest in this world. Worldwide Better avoid it at any cost.As the wasteland that used to be the Russian Federation is inhabited by strange creatures presenting the characters with many challenges to overcome and risks to take. Worldwide
Worldwide EMEA It hunts alone and presents a great danger to a Spartan.
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Also, there are other humans who try to kill the protagonists.
Metro Exodus is a first-person shooter game with the survival-driven storyline with gore elements, set in the post-nuclear war world.Metro ExodusMetro Exodus, like the previous installments of the franchise, is inspired ...Metro Exodus, like the previous installments of the franchise, is The game was developed by 4A Games studio, which is based in Malta but has Ukrainian roots and its publisher is Deep Silver.
Het is het jaar 2036, Een kwarteeuw na de kernoorlog verwoestte de aarde, een paar duizend overlevenden klampen zich nog steeds vast aan het bestaan onder de ruïnes van Moskou, in de tunnels van de Metro. z o.o.