est l'actuel programme de fidélité de la multinationale japonaise Nintendo, initié en mars 2016 en remplacement du Club Nintendo.Il permet aux joueurs de bénéficier d'offres et de récompenses par le biais de points, distribués en échange de l'achat d'un produit ou de l'utilisation des services et applications de la firme.
Your Account and Coin Balance. Partager sur : Facebook. Nintendo Australia is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any external site. Achetez en toute confiance et sécurité sur eBay! Encouraging other people to register with Nintendo of Europe earns members 250 stars per sign-up.In 2002, a registration program titled My Nintendo (not to be confused with the loyalty program of the same name, The program was launched on December 15, 2008, retiring the My Nintendo registration program.Program participants who meet 300-Coin "Gold" or 600-Coin "Platinum" benchmarks within the Club Nintendo year (July 1–June 30) also receive exclusive items. We are adding multiple items to our reward catalog, so please be sure to redeem your Coins before the deadline on June 30, 2015. You are now leaving to an external web site. Any unused Coins expired on 7/1/15. Club Nintendo program shuts down at 11:59pm PT on 6/30/2015. On March 17, 2015, after suddenly announcing their business partnership venture with Club Nintendo (Japanese: クラブニンテンドー) is an official Nintendo club for The Club Nintendo of Europe featured a Star Points system, where members could exchange stars earned by registering games and consoles for items in the Stars Catalogue, and for Members enter PIN codes found on inserts included with certain games and hardware to earn stars. Magazine club nintendo - Achetez une variété de produits à prix abordables sur eBay. Players buying a console, a video game or an accessory were able to fill a form and send it to Nintendo's headquarters in the country by mail. On January 20, 2015, it was announced that Club Nintendo would be discontinued in North America on June 30, 2015 and in Europe and Japan on September 30, 2015, due to an upcoming new loyalty program. 3/31/15 - Last day to sign up for a Club Nintendo membership, register products (including purchases through Nintendo eShop), complete surveys, register for a warranty extension, earn Coins, and qualify for Elite Status.4/30/15 - Last day to select a 2015 Elite Status Gift.6/30/15 - Last day to redeem Coins for rewards or downloadable games.7/31/15 - Last day to redeem Club Nintendo download codes in the Nintendo eShop.Please note that games can be re-downloaded as often as you wish, as long as the download code was first redeemed prior to 8/1/15. The loyalty program was free to join and provided rewards in exchange for consumer feedback and loyalty to purchasing official Nintendo products.
Cette console de jeux implique toutefois un contrôle parental efficace si vous acceptez que votre enfant pratique ses jeux en totale autonomie. Pour en savoir plus, affichez le panier.Formalités douanières et suivi international fournisFormalités douanières et suivi international fournisFormalités douanières et suivi international fournisFormalités douanières et suivi international fournisFormalités douanières et suivi international fournisFormalités douanières et suivi international fournisFormalités douanières et suivi international fournisFormalités douanières et suivi international fournisFormalités douanières et suivi international fournisFormalités douanières et suivi international fournisFormalités douanières et suivi international fournisFormalités douanières et suivi international fournis Club Nintendo is a discontinued customer loyalty program provided by Nintendo.
Platinum Rewards are usually premium items, such as plush hats or posters. LE Club Nintendo !
Club Nintendo Coins can only be used towards Club Nintendo … The loyalty program was free to join and provided rewards in exchange for consumer feedback and loyalty to purchasing official Nintendo products. My Nintendo (マイニンテンドー, Mai Nintendō?) Le 19 Mai, Nintendo diffuse une liste des objets à venir avant la fermeture définitive fixée au 30 Septembre 2015 et révèle donc cette fameuse pièce commémorative, l’ultime cadeau du Club Nintendo.Disponible le 2 Septembre en échange de 2000 étoiles, il faut moins de 48h pour que l’intégralité du stock soit distribuée. My Nintendo makes playing games and interacting with Nintendo even more fun. Members of Club Nintendo earned credits or "coins" by submitting codes found on Nintendo products and systems, which could be traded in for special edition items only available on Club Nintendo. Achat en ligne pour Jeux vidéo un vaste choix de Accessoires, Jeux, Personnages interactifs, Consoles, Contenu téléchargeable de plus à prix bas tous les jours.
Can I use my Club Nintendo Coins in Nintendo's Online Store or save them for a future loyalty program? Un problème est survenu.