In 1957 the Object 277 was developed by J.Y.Kotin's design bureau. If you want some adrenaline, go to the second line. tier X assault tank, combining mobility and armor. How the fuck is 140mm sloped frontal armor and lower plate bad? The gun was equipped with a "Groza" 2-plane stabilizer and a night vision system. *lol*Holly shit, 1700 m/s !! The K-91 seems like a really odd tank. But it seems that this one will lean more towards sniping instead.277 looks interesting. This special purpose tank was intended to fight on cross country terrain, inaccessible to conventional tanks, acting as a heavy breakthrough tank, and if necessary withstanding even the shockwave of a nuclear explosion. As module research on the 430 II is still low for a tier 9. He was not in service. Russian Power Creep again…… Lets ruin the game some more! French 120 use to have best pen, that from new HT line, 264, russia will have better, and 350 heat.TWO OP fuck tard tanks. The 1700 m/s and 276mm APCR standard round also add to the sniping capabilities. The new turret included an ammunition assist system for the loader, and was fitted with infra-red night fighting equipment as well. The glacis armour of the Obiekt 277 provided protection against 122mm rounds and 90mm cumulative rounds, although testing was not completed before the project was cancelled. Jump to: Although the T-10 was the last of the Soviet heavy tank in series production, other heavy tank designs did follow it. World of Tanks & World of Warships News and HeadlinesThe tarp finally fell off from the sekrit tanks, and we finally got info what was under it. tank will be be top dog of the rear-mounted med line. All in all, the Obiekt-277 was a remarkably strongly armoured tank, but that armour came at a cost relative to prescribed limits on overall heavy tank combat weight. It’s not capable of a knife fight. The K-91 seems like a really odd tank. And 280K for the K-91 is to be expected. A pre-heater was provided for cold temperature starting.
Personally speaking I still much prefer the better armor of the IS-7, which is a large reason as to why I haven't researched the 277. It will still however have the measly 5.5 gun depression., it’s a better 130mm gun and the tank itself was meant to be the successor so it makes sense.Can finally not have to rely on autobounce angles. Developed in 1956–1958 at the Kirov Plant, Leningrad, under the supervision of Joseph Kotin. It had a maximum glacis armour basis of 140mm, set at 60-70° from vertical, with the lower glacis with the lower glacis correspondingly 153mm at 50–55° from vertical. Most tank descriptions are not even accurate, or at least 5 years outdated. I mean, it DOES have good pen, but that alone isn’t enough to justify using it, and (almost) all the tier 10 meds have good pen.Also, even if it has really good camo, it would have to be insanely good to be particularly useful. The client values, given for 100% crew, will normally be taken into battle with 110% crew skill members aside from specific functions, causing their actual performance to deviate from the expected client value. They posted frontal armor layout in the forum and its on the same level as the latest french heavy. It is better than some heavys on tier 9 and 10.The K-91 seems like a really odd tank. This guide for World of Tanks Object 705A weak spots helps you find key areas to focus on. Two prototypes were produced and underwent trials from 1959 through 1960. With a rear turreted design it can side-scrape effectively, while retaining impressive armor values. Classic WG.if I look at those standard ammo pen vales, though …276 mm (even if its APCR) and 265mm? In the battles was not used.The base is special, separate design decisions of the IS-7 and T-10 tanks were used. ... An armor-piercing projectile, which had a mass of 8.7 kg and an initial velocity of 1800 m / s from the same range, pierced the armor with a thickness of 350 mm. Object 277 Heavy Tank. Fuel was 820 litres internally under armour and 250 litres externally, giving the tank a total road range of 300km with its maximum road speed of 55km/h. Developed in 1956–1958 at the Kirov Plant, Leningrad, under the supervision of Joseph Kotin. From the pictures the 140mm hull should be around 210-220 effective, with side armor so bad that sidescraping with the rear turret will be all but impossible.