A Pokémon has a 11% chance of falling asleep after making A sleeping Pokémon will eventually wake up on its own, after the required number of turns has elapsed. Sleep now lasts 1-3 turns. The following lists only times when they fall asleep through an attack. A special condition (Japanese: 特殊状態 Special Condition) is a status condition defending Pokémon may have after an attack.Currently, there are five Special Conditions: Asleep, Burned, Confused, Paralyzed and Poisoned. Inflicting status conditions is another great way to increase the odds of capturing a Pokémon. Sleep is the primary used status affliction as it is utilised in conjunction with a healing move, however it is also good at stopping your opponent in it's tracks. Sleep lasts for 1 to 5 turns (Its randomly chosen). Many Berries in Generation II correspond to an artificial healing item. That damage increases by an additional 1/16 of the max HP each turn. B S L: まわりの てきポケモンを すいみんじょうたいにかえる すいみんじょうたいの ポケモンは こうどうできない: MD GtI: It causes the Sleep status condition to nearby enemies. One Z will flash over the Sleeping Pokémon while asleep. It can also be cured by using a The Pokémon becomes infatuated with the opponent (who must be of an opposing gender) and is under a condition similar to confusion. mangaIn the Pocket Monsters Platinum: Aim to Be Battle King!! In Generation I, Sleep lasts for 1 to 7 turns (1 to 3 in Pokémon Stadium). The standard, No types are immune to sleep, but Pokémon with the Adept or Steady Sleep can be inflicted by abilities and attacks, but compared to other status conditions, attacks and abilities that inflict sleep are rare: there is only one attack to inflict Sleep, Sleep can be inflicted by Pokémon with the Nap Time or Sleep Charm Sleeping is a status condition that has been present since the early days of the From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.In the Pocket Monsters Platinum: Aim to Be Battle King!! Main article: Sleep (status condition) The sleep condition (SLP) causes a Pokémon to be unable to use moves, except Snore and Sleep Talk.
When it is asleep, the card is turned counterclockwise. Sleep is exactly the same as Pokémon Stadium, save for one change. Since both games follow the Trading Card Game rulings, the Pokémon can fall asleep. Make sure to always have some in your Bag in case of emergencies. Sleep lasts for 1-3 turns. It can be cured with an Burned Pokémon loose 1/8 of their maximum HP at the end of each turn in addition having their A frozen Pokémon cannot attack, but it can thaw out in a few turns. Pokémon with the abilities Insomnia or Vital Spirit, or those behind a Substitute cannot be put to sleep. In Generation I, Sleep lasts for 1 to 7 turns (1 to 3 in Pokémon Stadium). All these effects can be cured with a Lum Berry, a Full Heal, a Full Restore, a Lava Cookie, an Old Gateau, Heal Powder, a Miracle Berry, a Casteliacone, or Sacred Ash. Usually occurs as a possible secondary effect (for moves like Once confused, a Pokémon will remain so for 1 to 4 turns, and during those turns have a 50% chance of damaging themselves and being unable to perform any other action for that turn. In Generation V, Sleep lasts 1 to 3 turns. Sleep lasts for 1 to 3 turns (Its randomly chosen). These status conditions involve taking away or even regaining HP. The first is Asleep, where the Pokémon cannot act for 3 to 6 turns (Its randomly changes). A condition where the affected Pokémon is unable to use moves or attack during the turn it is affected. Confusion can be healed by switching out the confused Pokémon. If Tails, the Pokémon remains asleep. Sleep prevents Pokémon from making a move for a random number of turns. Pokémon cannot make a move the turn they wake up.Three Z's flash over the Sleeping Pokémon while asleep. These status conditions are indicated by a sword icon on top of the affected Pokémon.

If Heads, the Pokémon wakes up. Status effects are mainly cured by using items that you can purchase from the Pokemon Center's grocery. Many of these status conditions are indicated by an eye icon on top of the affected Pokémon. If the effect remains after the battle, the Pokémon will lose HP as the Trainer walks (1 HP of damage for every 4 steps), but after Pokémon Black and White there is no longer this effect. Pokémon cannot make a move the turn they wake up. The Pokémon may also not eat or drink items. Be careful with some status conditions inflicted on your Pokemon … From Generation V onward, Pokémon close their eyes while sleeping and move more slowly. Sleep lasts for 1 to 5 turns (Its randomly chosen). A Pokémon's sleep counter is now reset to its original amount when switched out (even if self-induced by A Pokémon's sleep counter no longer resets to its original amount when switched out. When the Pokémon's HP drops below 25%, the game also lists this as a 'low HP' status condition. manga All these effects can be cured with a Lum Berry, a Full Heal, a Full Restore, a Lava Cookie, an Old Gateau, Heal Powder, a Miracle Berry, a Casteliacone, or Sacred Ash. Every turn, the trainer must flip a coin. These status conditions are paralysis, poison, sleep, frozen, and burn. Sleep prevents Pokémon from making a move for a random number of turns.
When Sleeping, it cannot attack or retreat. Sleep lasts for 1-3 turns. Counter will replace Mirror Coat, Endure will replace Protect). The Pokémon in question cannot make any moves during this duration of Sleep. The Pokémon in question cannot make any moves during this duration of Sleep. Aside from using healing items, moving up (or down) a dungeon floor will cure these conditions. The first turn, the poisoned Pokémon takes 1/16 of the maximum HP in damage. Sleep can be cured through certain Warrior Skills, items, or by ending a Pokémon's turn in a hot spring or a water bucket. 2-6 turns Smokescreen R B T D S * Muzzled Moves that require the use of the mouth will fail. Z-Move effects. Sleep is another common Status Condition where a Pokemon will be unable to attack for one to seven turns, unless the Pokemon has the moves Sleep Talk or Snore.

When a Pokémon is holding Grassium Z and uses its Z-Power, Sleep Powder turns into Z-Sleep Powder and raises Speed one …