It replaces the default iron sight and provides a better line of sight for players to engage enemies from afar. Tom Clancy’s, Rainbow Six, The Soldier Icon, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Test Zero and his Argus Launcher and get your eyes where you are not supposed to see. It focused on three main pillars: technical improvements, a new deployment process and addressing top community reported bugs.In Operation Velvet Shell, two G.E.O. On the other side of the action, strange things happening to grenades, as Wamai deploys a new gadget with magnetic appeal. We track R6 Stats on Xbox, Playstation and Uplay/steam! Operators are playable characters in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. Welcome to Rainbow 6 Tracker - Tracking Rainbow 6 Stats and Leaderboards.

Operators join Team Rainbow to neutralize the threat residing in our new free map, "Skyscraper". In addition to the shot caller, or in-game leader, here are a few other operator roles … All Rights Reserved.

Available on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Of course players need a good aim, but to be a top player you need to have an understanding of battle tactics. Since its formation in 1999, Rainbow has prevented several terrorist plots since its activation but was deactivated in 2012. The new map Skyscraper also offers fresh tactical opportunities for group-based assaults.In Operation Skull Rain, two BOPE Operators join Team Rainbow to pacify the Favela, our new free map. This third season will showcase a reworking of the Operators and maps following an optimization of our data, namely a rework of textures, polished dynamic and static lighting, richer sky domes, new customization, and much more.Operation Health has been all about fixing several issues and investing in better technology to make sure we keep growing strong in the upcoming years. 3-speed operators make excellent entry fraggers. Protection specialists with the SASR Mobility Platoon, Gridlock and Mozzie are assigned protection detail for a high-value convoy across sunburnt country.New to Rainbow Six are Kaid and Nomad for Operation Wind Bastion.
Their priorities include engaging in gunfights and map control. YEAR 3 SEASON 4. Out with the old and in with the new.In Operation Para Bellum, two G.I.S. Operators thrive under the blaze of the Tuscan sun. Rainbow Six: Siege attack phases require not just aim, but also strategy. Operators are playable characters in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. Thanks to her Gemini Replicator, attacker Iana can create a usable clone of herself, while Defender Oryx can use his Remah Dash against enemies and walls.Rise from the depths this season with Operation Shifting Tides. Everything we know so far about Rainbow Six Siege’s next Year 5 Season 3 update, including new Operator Zero, the Chalet map rework, and other aspects of the alleged Splinter Cell tie-in. Additionally, he made Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

Find top R6 pros and streamers, and try to match them on our R6 Leaderboards! There are currently 57 playable operators (excluding Recruit), all hailing from one of the 26 CTUs in the game, categorized into 2 positions: Attackers (ATK) and Defenders (DEF). Join the very best at this elite training ground.For Operation Grim Sky, Rainbow Six is deploying Clash and Maverick. Team Rainbow is deploying Maestro and Alibi in the villa of one of the most dangerous crime families.With Operation Chimera, we are exploring a new fantasy: quarantine and biohazard.

YEAR 3. Entry fraggers are the main killing force of the attacking team.

The Red Dot Sight is an optical attachment featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. All Rights Reserved.