These are among the crucial questions examined by Carola Klöck and Michael Fink in their recently coedited volume entitled Dealing with Climate Change on Small Islands: Toward Effective and Sustainable Adaptation, published by Universitätsverlag Göttingen. An Interview with Carola Kloeck and Michael Fink Dealing With Climate Change on Small Islands. %�X�S�� -%J/l�Qf�I����Jf�H!���T �zͤg{�~y:�V��*�1pk5��S����L��.F%��gW����;h0)�~�ݥv5�&�q�/�ծ� ]����X��2��a5b?�2,��U��:hU4E�����悺��t^<6Б��K:xl�zMް�������W�ww/�����������|�7e5�n�s~�9�M%*�E{���/�7��]A�����ףê;�]A��_��w��>��A��;�٫��a�a9,���淵0�_��bԈ$��۫/v$�Ԏ��3-��^R+�r�R;(��ۜ?��`�n&帩&t��ò���`��LRj� ��w����G�� �4���xP��]ш��k�Www9u���
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2004-2006 : Arminia Bielefeld . Webseiten der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen ... Fink, Simon (2017): Varieties of capitalism and privatization in a globalized world. Why are small islands more vulnerable to the global and major ordeal of climate change?
An Interview with Carola Kloeck and Michael Fink Why are small islands more vulnerable to the global and major ordeal of climate change? x�bbd```b``�"BA$��d���\ f�E8����D��|��g`v �� Michael Fink Lecturer / Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben, wiss. How do they face this huge challenge and what can we learn from their experience? Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge the input from a number of colleagues, especially Philip … Michael Fink is on Facebook. An Interview with Carola Kloeck and Michael Fink . Dealing With Climate Change on Small Islands. x�b```f``�e`� B �����3�\F ����,4Y����u ���"@)��b\EL���,6᪕�uX�����PF�3ܦ���Ip�a:|`U���c�_�4>p�e�t�nh�P�|i��ҽ{���2.,�����u�TlZ��ȅm�,��3K�#��V��Ƹ��Y����ym`�O�����Q�Jm@�]R�?`"�'i�EfE@E"�/L��籰�3��"�.%d[��ȲTjy�pœ.�kV��E����j2@FE ���&�� �r�]R,`�g��!�n� j��|���� G0 $�;�A���(��(�dBH����``PJKk``666� ���L�ai@� � 2�AP0����8�,�b)�� �0-P8�H?P���A� @�h�,���0�]� Michael Fink graduated in Spatial Planning and works as Advisor on Energy and Water Development in the Division for Environment and Infrastructure, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH (German Agency for Technical Cooperation). x�̗[O�8ǿ��}�Ո=�-v�R)�aJ5e.�!�@�S�� ̧���{��eR����ߎ�'�j�e��Y��
2001-2004 : VfB Stuttgart . �L_�j�Q�ZtC�?vw����M1)F����*��L��W�Zj��Q[8,Q8O�f� o1'|��A��_c���T���PH�@T��@m A��g�p�~0�W���6��_5��=rm[c��'y��V7_��f ���~t"�d��I���~�f��K6#V|��XĄY��@�6�[������xn9�g����Ja�%����2�/�0�N~/RN��G��4*�b�����"�a~�㛏,Z��b����iR��?Q���P��9�;2�K4�0Z�X��r#�����:��m��T4� (�3���Em�@]:�s: �`fK@:���S��;�q~N@ј��q���K���&�Ʌ�a�%l�R ���c�RLq*\M�)�t.�[��j��@�@`L�U�UB��9M�@��)Ȉ�ⵏV��-_�/��Փ��vY��0(�
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