Smith & Wesson's Schofield has captured firearms enthusiasts' imaginations since its inception and has played an impressive role in American history. It’s believed that all authentic Wells Fargo Schofields known to date have serial numbers under 6000.

3 and it was put into production by Smith & Wesson as the 1875 No. See our The .45 Schofield, of course, worked in the Model 3 Schofield but the .45 Colt round was too long to fit the Smith & Wesson’s cylinder. IIIF provides researchers rich metadata and media viewing options for comparison of works across cultural heritage collections. The 4th was involved in the Geronimo campaign. The blued metal and case colored frame are in very good condition at a 95% rating.

He is a contributing editor for The American Rifleman and serves on the Board of Directors of the Smith & Wesson Collectors Association. Most common is the small size, about the same size as the company name abbreviation. Florida, Maine, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania received fewer than seven guns each. They were shortened to 5” barrel length and sold to Wells Fargo with nickel plating for Wells Fargo messengers protection. An exceptional shooter. Our collection database is a work in progress. This rare example is also marked “Sonora”. Accuracy * * * * * All one-inch groups and many less at 25 yards with cheap commercial ammunition. & COS EX” along with a re-stamping of the guns serial number. The numerals in the stamping, on the other hand, were individually stamped, and their spacing may be uneven.Schofields are sometimes found with a large two- or three-digit number, usually under 300, stamped on the backstrap. Nominate this object for photography. & CO EX stamped in uneven individual letters should raise immediate suspicion. An article by Charles Pate in Man at Arms magazine discusses this variation.Get 12 Issues a year of the country's best firearms writing.Get the latest news and reviews from the 74th edition of the World's Greatest Gun Book.Jim Supica runs Old Town Station Ltd. Auction & Antique Arms and has authored numerous articles on gun collecting. Smith & Wesson; M&P; Performance Center; Thompson/Center; Dealer Locator. This is the case with Wells Fargo Schofields, with faked markings not uncommon. Visit the IIIF page to learn more.

The combination of quick reload-ability and big .45-caliber power made them popular with lawmen, outlaws, and others who were serious about their sidearms.Schofields were reportedly favorites of the James Gang, with serial numbers 3444 and 5476 attributed to Frank James and serial number 2341 to Cole Younger.
Smith & Wesson, une marque mythique d'armes de poing ! 3 revolver, more simply known as the "Schofield." There they fought in the Indian Wars, including campaigns against the Apaches, and served in civil disturbances such as the Lincoln County War.Other Schofields went to state militias. Specific History This Smith & Wesson was found loaded at the Little Big Horn Battlefield in 1883. De quoi contenter tous les possesseurs d'autorisation d'arme de catégorie B. Les tireurs en stand privilégient les canons longs, plus précis ! Six major concealed carry insurance programs are now available to the millions of Americans who carry concealed. General History The Smith & Wesson Schofield revolver,.45 caliber, was manufactured from 1875 to 1878.

The 9th and 10th comprised the famous “Buffalo Soldiers” – African American troops stationed in the American Southwest.

Learn more about our approach to If you would like to know how you can use content on this page, see the Smithsonian's If you require a personal response, please use our Our museum is temporarily closed to support the effort to contain the spread of COVID-19. Instead, S&W offered to redesign the military cartridge to a .45-caliber round that would function in both types of revolvers. Overall * * * * I really enjoyed this gun, but the sights being slightly off kept it out of my 5-star category.