Clinical psychologists are healthcare workers who diagnose mental health disorders and treat them through psychotherapy, behavioral modification and, in certain states, medication. It is the field of social science, in charge of the study of the lands, the characteristics, the inhabitants and the phenomena of the Earth. Based on their findings, they predict patterns and trends relating to politics, the economy and social changes. They create tables and fact sheets to quickly convey their findings.Survey researchers find employment in academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, corporations, research firms, government agencies and polling organizations. Economists study the factors that determine how goods, services and resources are produced and distributed. They present their findings and forecasts in many forms, from charts and tables to policies and journal articles.The economy isn’t just about money, but about resources of all kinds. Geographers use both quantitative methods of research, which focus on numbers and statistics, and qualitative methods that include interviews and surveys of the humans inhabiting the region. They consider the purpose of the survey – for example, whether the goal is to get factual numeric data or to see what people think, feel, want and believe – and then choose the survey methods most appropriate for that purpose. Counseling psychologists also work directly with patients, but instead of treating mental illnesses, they guide patients in understanding and solving problems in their lives, such as substance abuse and relationship problems. Psychologists investigate human behavior. Some urban and regional planners also supervise and coordinate community land use projects.Nearly two-thirds of all urban and regional planners work for local government agencies. They often work for historical sites, national parks, museums or services called cultural resource management (CRM) firms. Political Science University of Southern California - Master of Public Administration Many social science careers are financially fulfilling as well as personally fulfilling, and some even earn six-figure salaries. Do you want to learn more about political and economic systems, the past and why people and groups do the things they do? Sociologists investigate social interactions in humans. While the number of political scientists currently employed in the United States is small, about 6,600, the industry is likely to see rapid job growth with as much as 21 percent growth over a decade.You hear a lot about the economy in the news, but how would you like to earn a living researching not only the numbers but the factors behind them?

Social science is already increasingly engaged in collaborative cross-disciplinary work in diverse fields such as engineering, medicine, computing, biology, and mathematics. Industrial-organizational psychologists may investigate a variety of topics involving workplace behavior, such as team effectiveness, employee motivation, occupational stress and safety risks and job performance. Often, sociologists focus their work on a specialized field, such as population, poverty, gender, families, health, education, crime and aging.Do you have an interest in both the physical and the social sciences? Careers in the social sciences can give you the opportunity to quench your thirst for knowledge and make a difference in the modern world by influencing public policy or helping people.Many social science careers are financially fulfilling as well as personally fulfilling, and some even earn six-figure salaries. As scientists, they study existing research, develop theories and collect and analyze data that ranges from qualitative, like historical texts, to quantitative, like the statistics behind election results and surveys. To analyze their data, they use systems (GIS) that visually display data on electronic maps, as well as statistical software programs. Anthropologists more commonly focus on current cultures.

Political scientists investigate every aspect of politics, from how political systems originated and progressed to how they currently operate and from political trends and new political policies and ideas. Sociologists tests their theories through research, in which they use surveys, interviews with subjects and their own observations to gather data which they can then analyze. These professionals often work with management on tasks such as hiring and training employees, creating company policies, and strategically planning the growth and development of the business.