Link's Awakening Trading Quest. Here are some other amazing games that you should check out after Super Smash Bros. Of course, he’ll repay you though by giving you a hibiscus flower. Here's how to do it!Give the Yoshi Doll to Mamasha in the big house (with all the beds) in Mabe Village to receive a In Mabe Village, visit the house with the Chain Chomp outside and give the Ribbon to the small Chain Chomp inside the right-hand building. Go inside the cave after getting the lens and you will now be able to see Goriya.He’ll give you the boomerang, but first you’ll need to give him one of your weapons in exchange.But don’t worry, you can talk to him again after the trade and he’ll sell your item back to you for 300 rupees if you can’t live without your hookshot or bow and arrow.And that is literally everything that you need to know about the NBA 2K20 Locker Codes: How to Get All Locker Codes (August 2020)Street Fighter V, PUBG Headline PS Plus Free Games for SeptemberThe Hardest Harry Potter Trivia Quiz You’ll Ever TakeCertain Affinity Confirms Halo Infinite Development ContributionFortnite Chapter 2: Season 4 Canceled for Apple Devices, Epic ConfirmsNew Fuser Trailer Features First Look at Multiplayer & Reveals Three New TracksZelda Link’s Awakening: Trading Quest Sequence Explained The Link's Awakening Trading Sequence is a trading quest in Link's Awakening.It involves 14 items that must be given to various characters around Koholint Island.All items up to the Stick are required to get into Kanalet Castle and complete the main storyline, but after that it is entirely optional. How to complete the trading quest in Link's Awakening. We may earn a commission for purchases using our links. The Magnifying Lens gives you directions through the final dungeon, but if you look online or know the instructions already from playing the game before, you don't need to rely on it. Link's Awakening features a long trading sequence, which ends in you earning a brand new item - the Boomerang. You can use it to read “Dark Secrets and Mysteries of Koholint” which can be found in the Mabe Village library.This book points you to the location of the Wind Fish’s Egg. Now, let’s go back to Animal Village.If you speak to Christine the Goat in the Animal Village, she’ll take the hibiscus flower from you and send you on a quest to take a letter to a man named Mr. Write who lives on the border of the Mysterious Forest.Just north of the mysterious forest lies a small shack where Mr. Write resides. Super Smash Bros. He thought up the sub … In Zelda: Link’s Awakening, one particular trading quest known as the Trading Sequence must be completed before you can fight the final boss and … In this In The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Link can complete a trading quest for the Magnifying Lens. Here’s a full walkthrough of the The first item that sets off the trading sequence is an adorable Yoshi Doll figure that can be found early on in the game at Trendy Game, that shop in Mabe Village that is host to a crane game.Pay up 10 rupees to play the game and use the crane to grab Yoshi –this should be pretty easy as Yoshi isn’t on one of the moving conveyor belts and the crane is easy to use.Now, take that Yoshi Doll and give it to Mamasha, the mom that lives in the northern-most (and biggest) home in the village. Once you get the Yoshi Doll, head to the house that is northwest of the store and enter the … You’ll find the Stick on the bridge.Place the scale in The Mourning Mermaid statue to open up a secret entrance that leads to a cave. Zelda: Link's Awakening trading sequence quest is something that spans the entirely of the game.. You'll be working on this quest as you make your way through multiple dungeons, and won't be done until the very end of the game. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening has a lengthy trading quest in which you trade one thing for another, and it’s not clear what the end result of it all will be.