In the fourth film, On Stranger Tides, he has become a privateer in the Royal Navy and is ordered to be Jack's guide on an expedition for the Fountain of Youth.

Don’t be fooled by his limp or missing limb, this pegleg pirate still won’t be slowed in the race for the Fountain of Youth or to avenge the loss of his leg by hunting down the man he blames for his demise, Blackbeard. With the Chalices retrieved, Jack and Barbossa quickly made way in their new joint venture, in which Jack would help Barbossa get his chance of revenge against Blackbeard.In their deadlock battle, Barbossa fought Blackbeard, as he blocked the pirate's attacks with his sword and crutch. He ordered the crew to push on in their search, telling them that they could sleep when they were dead. He reveals their cursed state to Elizabeth en route to Isla de Muerta. Barbossa even bejeweled his peg leg with gold and wore a brown leather boot on his left leg with gold straps. Barbossa found Salazar's ship and asked to speak but the pirate hunter was about to kill him until Barbossa reveals he is aware Salazar was really after Jack Sparrow. After discovering his fleet was being attacked, he sought out a witch named Shansa who he once saved from execution. Barbossa asked him how he got off his island, and Jack said that he had forgotten a very important thing, that he was Captain Jack Sparrow. It does not work, and Elizabeth escapes with Will Turner and the medallion. Barbossa's crew may refer to: Crew of the Cobra - a crew of cutthroats and pillagers that served around the late 1700s/early1710s. While Blackbeard briefly confronting the Spaniard, Barbossa stabs Blackbeard with his poison-laced sword, which Angelica accidentally cuts herself with while removing it from Blackbeard. In his final moments, the last thing Barbossa saw was his daughter's face looking back at him while he calmly accepted his own demise, knowing that she would live on.Barbossa wore fine clothing befitting a man of his stature and status, and he carried many valuable items about his person.On his return to piracy, Barbossa wore clothes that expressed his great wealth. To that end, Barbossa is forced to team up with Jack again to find the Trident and brought back the Black Pearl free and back to his true dimensions but bound Jack and take the command of the ship, eventually learning of his true parentage to Carina, an astronomer and horologist who was falsely accused for witchcraft. As the crew made it to a stopping point near the Spanish camp, Jack stated that he would take the mission from there on account of Barbossa's condition of having one leg. Captain Barbossa is back! After Will drops the last two coins, stained with his and Jack's blood, into the chest, the curse is lifted. With Beckett and the Before leaving, Barbossa takes Jack's piece of eight, which he uses along with the other pieces to free Calypso within an incantation. Their leader, the Spaniard ordered his men to destroy the Fountain, believing its power is an abomination against God. However, Jack revealed he obtained the Chalices in the escape. We stan But upon defeating Barbossa's crewmen, Will called out to him and showed that he had gathered the last two coins, with blood from himself and Jack, and dropped it all into the chest, lifting the curse.

Captain Barbossa is a brutish pirate captain underneath his classy, gentlemanly façade. Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate But the franchise overlords were wrong to make Jack the de facto star of the series.

Things really start to pop off when Elizabeth is invited to dinner in Barbossa’s quarters, and he explains the Aztec curse. His relation to Carina is revealed to her and he tells her she is "treasure" to him after she asks what she is to him. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean - Minifigure Hector Barbossa x1 Loose 5 out of 5 stars 3 $33.99 $ 33 . Barbossa calls for Pete's help, which is granted in the form of the Illuminator After Sora, Donald, Goofy, Jack, and Elizabeth return to the Barbossa is a playable character in the video game series. He offers one to Elizabeth and later tells her that when the curse is lifted he wants to eat a whole bushel of them. Maybe if the spinoffs had focused more on Barbossa and his adventures, with Jack Sparrow filling his OG trilogy role of quirky side character, they would have been a little less shallow.By the time Barbossa dies (again), he doesn’t fit neatly into either category. And he’s been much more successful than Jack at taking and keeping the Black Pearl, which, for a group of people whose whole way of life is built around stealing and hijacking, seems like one of the most important metrics of success.More to the point, he’s a better character than Jack Sparrow from a storytelling perspective.

99 + $4.57 shipping Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean: Captain Jack Sparrow With Tricorne Minifigure 3.7 out of 5 … Under the light of the moon, Barbossa transformed into a living corpse with rags for clothing. By the time the second film, Reader, I screamed. Barbossa returns as captain of the Queen Anne's Revenge and leader of a large fleet in the year after Blackbeard's death. Hector Barbossa, portrayed by Australian actor Geoffrey Rush, appears in all of the films. About a year later, Much of Hector Barbossa's life prior to piracy has been revealed by his actor, Geoffrey Rush, in interviews: his mother was Confident and persuasive, Hector Barbossa combines experience with almost reckless daring. Barbossa says "I feel...cold" before falling to the ground and died. It’s a shame because Dead Men Tell No Tales features a lovely redemption arc for Barbossa. Barbossa’s arc from mutinous villain to a captain willing to sacrifice himself for his family and crew is more compelling than anything any writer could come up with for Jack Sparrow, quips be damned. Jack then told him that he knew who's blood they really needed. He is playable in the Since 2011, Barbossa has been dressed in his privateer uniform in the By his early forties, Barbossa is a pirate captain in the Caribbean. Barbossa looks on Jack's escape attempt with admiration as Jack reached the top and was suddenly slingshoted onto another palm tree. Barbossa wears fine clothing befitting a man of his stature and status. Distrustful of one another, both captains go ashore with a landing party, leaving Will temporarily in command.