At the moment, it is largely a matter of chance and history whether a grazing common is stinted or not. We support, without stinting, the aim of reducing poverty in the third world.
From the I have never stinted where it has been useful and wise to do so. Dictionary Example from the Hansard archive. Find another word for stint. From the Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the See more. Der Stint ist ein Meeresfisch in den Küstengewässern Europas von der Ostsee bis zur Biskaya. Lebensraum und Lebensweise. Eigentümlich ist der intensive, an frische Gurken erinnernde Geruch. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the stint definition: 1. a fixed or limited period of time spent doing a particular job or activity: 2. to provide….
Example from the Hansard archive. Example from the Hansard archive.
工作期限, (從事某項活動的)規定期限, 限量提供… How to use stint in a sentence. in Turkish Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the
Der Stint wird bis zu sechs Jahre alt.
As one of my noble friends said earlier, it should not be a question of stinting on resources. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ?
Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the
Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Synonym Discussion of stint. Der in der Regel 15 bis 18, höchstens 30 Zentimeter lange Körper ist schlank und seitlich wenig abgeflacht. Thanks!
Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the In These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and from sources on the web.
From the From the Der Stint wird bis zu sechs Jahre alt.
From the
Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Stint definition, to be frugal; get along on a scanty allowance: Don't stint on the food. Example from the Hansard archive. Zu weiteren Bedeutungen siehe Die Schwanzflosse hat einen dunklen Rand.
From the Example from the Hansard archive. The capital expenditure during the last four years has certainly not been stinted. {{#verifyErrors}} From the From the They saved and stinted because to them there was a nostalgic mystique about owning their own houses.
Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. The sentence contains offensive content. If we succeed in doing that, we shall have all the ingredients on which to work out a later quantification and stinting programme. Rücken und Seiten sind graugrün bis rosa, die Flanken silbrig glänzend. From the Stint ontwerpt en bouwt elektrische voertuigen voor stadslogistiek, bouwkundig onderhoud en gemeentelijke groenvoorziening. a special type of tie (= a strip of cloth put around a collar) in the shape of a bow, worn especially by men on formal occasions They are stinted, physically and in their clothes. {{#verifyErrors}} Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the I would like to know what ground there is for stinting the silver currency of the country. 工作期限, (从事某项活动的)规定期限, 限量提供…
Example from the Hansard archive. Your feedback will be reviewed.
From the
Stint definition is - a period of time spent at a particular activity. Example from the Hansard archive. Während der Laichzeit kann der Stint leicht mit Netzen gefangen werden. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. Thanks! Money should not be stinted, because it is a matter on which our national interests very largely depend. período, experiência, economizar… Learn more.