Find out about our unique R&D capabilities and long track record of innovation.A question about Nestlé’s brands, policies, or products? All proposals of the Board of Directors were voted with strong majorities.It was with sadness and regret that Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe informed shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of the untimely death of Lord George, Member of the Board of Directors, on 18 April 2009. April 2020 ausbezahlt. "The annual review and the accounts were approved and the shareholders agreed to the discharge of the Board of Directors and the Management. He also highlighted Nestlé's roots in its home country: "The relationship between Nestlé and Switzerland is deep and mutually beneficial. 2 December 2020. It is through permanent innovation and by investing for the future that our company will continue to develop in a sustainable and profitable way." They also accepted the Nestlé Compensation Report 2019 in an advisory vote.Furthermore, Ernst & Young Ltd was appointed as auditors for the 2020 financial statements of Nestlé S.A. and the consolidated financial statements of the Nestlé Group.Nestlé Chairman Paul Bulcke said: "Our Annual General Meeting at Lausanne-Beaulieu took place today as planned, although unfortunately without the presence of shareholders. The bond will be listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. Jean-Pierre Meyers was not standing for re-election. The shareholders further approved the proposed dividend of All proposals of the Board of Directors were approved with strong majorities.The shareholders elected Dick Boer, former President and The shareholders elected the Chairman and all other members of the Board of Directors individually for a term of office until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.he shareholders approved prospectively the total compensation of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board. We are a company that operates on the basic principle that we do business to create shared value. Due to the age limit set forth in the Board Regulations, Professor Günter Blobel did not stand for re-election. Everything you need to know about Nestlé is here: brands, key figures, milestones.Nestlé touches the lives of billions of people every day: the farmers who grow our ingredients, our consumers, and the communities where we live and work.Learn about Nestlé’s brands and what we’re doing to make our products tastier and healthier.Innovation is at the heart of Nestlé. "Mr Brabeck said 2015 will probably be regarded as a landmark year in matters of sustainable development, with the publication of the United Nations 'Sustainable Development Goals' for 2030. Results & Events Centre. Die Dividende wird – sofern die Generalversammlung den Antrag genehmigt – wie geplant am 14. The shareholders further approved the proposed dividend of CHF 2.20 per share.All proposals of the Board of Directors were approved with strong majorities.In line with legal requirements for listed Swiss companies, the shareholders elected each member of the Board of Directors individually, for a term of office until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting further elected Ms Ann Veneman as a new member of the Board for a three-year term.For any queries regarding the Annual General Meeting please contact:The annual report and the accounts were approved and the shareholders agreed to the release of the Board of Directors and the Management. It is this balance between delivering today and building for the future that characterises Nestlé.”He concluded: “We are aware of the many challenges ahead, but also of the numerous opportunities and we are organising ourselves to grasp these. 333 0 obj <>stream It is high time it was ensured that all new legislation is in fact necessary, meaning there should be checks as to whether there is an urgent need for regulation and that it is proportionate, or in other words: whether it stands up to a detailed cost-benefit analysis. Daniel Borel was not standing for re-election. His expertise, judgement and wisdom were respected throughout the academic, economic and political world and immensely valued by Nestlé.Shareholders re-elected Carolina Müller-Möhl and Daniel Borel as members of the Board of Directors for a three-year term.