Tanki Events 574 views.
The official VKontakte group of Tanki Online appeared in January 2011. Dear Tanki Administrators, i am here to tell you guy that 2 months ago i won an event
If you are logged in, you can find in the user management your personal messages and also your notifications. Russian community manager Maksim Khusainov promised to take a dip in the hole if the number of subscribers in the group will be over 500 000. Player SteelShark, who was winner of "The GAME" on NY 2014-2015, received Hornet M3 Hammer M3 and Picasso. Wann welches Event stattfindet, kann man aus den jeweiligen Event-Kalendern herauslesen. The least bought paint was the paint for Côte d'Ivoire - only about 1,000.
There are several phrases written in Persian in the map «Iran». Almost half of those are earned from the last 5 ranks.
The first player to have reached the highest rank (at the time it was Sometimes in holidays and special celebrations, funds in the game are increased. As for the Vulcan, the game designer Semyon Strizhak (known as Hazel-Rah) jokingly promised that "the turret will never be named Vulcan, otherwise I grow two additional fingers on the hand."
The one on the blue flag in the center of the map says "We've been through a lot to reach the peak of the mountains".
Tanki Events 574 views. Nauru, Kiribati and Guinea-Bissau are the three countries with the smallest player population. This means you will earn twice as many crystals for each completed Matchmaking battle!Did you think that was all? In turn, Lost Temple is the largest map, Berlin is just a little bit behind, and Dusseldorf closes the top three. Mammoth could have had a different name. During this action Gold Boxes value was increased several times. Tanki online crystal hack is used to add an additional amount of resources to your account. There was a map named "Train Station," which was created in 2010 but was released before the New Year celebrations in 2012.
This is followed by Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Germany, Moldova, Georgia, the United States and Saudi Arabia.
In-game events represent the epitome of non-battle activities tankers often get into while letting their engines idle and drones get a few hours of sleep. Community Events — regelmäßig wiederkehrende Veranstaltungen, welche in bestimmten Modi von den Event Helfern für die englische und deutsche Community organisiert und durchgeführt werden. In this event, helpers and regular players swap places in the Stadium map, as players try to destroy the helpers in the middle of the map. You will see a special notification in the game when the prizes will be sent to you.To earn stars, you will need to actively play in Matchmaking battles, until the battle finishes.1st and 2nd place on the winning team, 1st place on the losing team or 1st and 2nd places in solo modes (DM and JGR) — 3 stars;3rd and 4th place on the winning team, 2nd and 3rd place on the losing team or 3rd and 4th places in solo modes (DM and JGR) — 2 stars;All other places — 1 star, if you were active during the battle. Tanki Couples contest. If you click on "Log in", you have to enter the requested information and also type in the security code. Total number of paints bought is 555,502, including for Russia - 111 000 (the most popular paint), for Germany (the winner) - 38 007, for Argentina - 17 641, for the Netherlands - 15 465.
March 25, 2012 - the barrier of 10 million registrations was overcome (player with the nickname lYonsl). February 5, 2013 - twenty millionth registration (the player with the nickname tolik755). . There are several upgrades you can apply on your personal vehicle. The creation of the first test version of Tanki took four and a half months. Not all Generalissimos were Field Marshals and Commanders before reaching their rank. In the action called "Football Frenzy" players could purchase one of the 32 paints, symbolizing the participants of the World Cup. Here is how it works: Active supply indicators on top of other players' tanks were only added into the game half a year after supplies were launched. Published by APL Publishing Ltd. For 6 days, from 02:00 UTC on October 30th till 02:00 UTC on November 5th a holiday week of events awaits you in the game: Terrifying holiday decorations 1:51. The one on the blue flag in the center of the map says "We've been through a lot to reach the peak of the mountains".
I Spent 50 Hours In Solitary Confinement - Duration: 15:52.