Extending the gameplay to many times the length and difficulty of the original, Castlevania III allowed gamers to take the role of Trevor Belmont, Simon Belmont's ancestor, as well as the roles of three other playable characters that Trevor may meet during his quest. Simon Belmont, the whip-wielding Vampire Hunter, controlled uniquely.
Characters can die, in which case the player must choose from one of the remaining characters to continue. Gradius was hard but fully powering up the Vic Viper made things a lot easier.Since the beginning of console gaming, movie licensed titles have held the stigma of being awful. Pro-Am was one of the first games to ever give your car the ability to attack and damage your opponents' vehicles with bombs, missiles and oil slicks to ensure that the competition wasn't going to make it to the finish line first – or even arrive there in one piece. Our own Mark Bozon has been working diligently to bring this title back to life, perhaps by way of the Virtual Console. Dragon Warrior IV, released in the US in 1992, tried to buck this trend with a unique approach to unraveling the game's overarching narrative. On the NES, the game is responsible for teaching me the Konami code, though it wasn't until years later that I even knew the significance of UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT...In 1991, Turtlemania was in full swing, and every marketer worth his or her weight in branded merchandise wanted a piece of animals-that-kick-ass pie.

As a late-era NES game, Kirby's Adventure packs incredible graphical detail and fun music with delightful gameplay. Half RPG, half Ghosts & Goblins-inspired gameplay Gargoyle's Quest is another hard to beat, yet totally memorable experience. Note: the Power Glove will not enhance gameplay, but you'll look pretty darn rad, we promise.I can remember looking at the Rad Racer flap at Toys R Us (remember the old system of flaps and slips?) Mega Man 6 is considered by many to be the last worthwhile NES release in the catalog, and though that's not saying much when looking at the title's contemporaries, Mega Man 6 is still as good as it gets in many respects.

Players’ stats and skills accurately corresponded to their stats and skills in real life — for the most part — which lent an air of authenticity to the virtual innings and the title’s reliance on player stamina. It would be great to see Nintendo revive the Faxanadu concept someday. It wasn't because I was awful at it (though I do remember it to be challenging), but because there was almost something exciting about getting to make a choice of where I went next. "Daggers and wingboots, mantras and monsters await you."

The player has the ability to control five distinct characters, and they can easily fall victim to the perils of the mansion. Baseball Stars Those features, combined with the ability to play as Joe Montana and Bo Jackson, make it NES sports game to beat, despite its predecessor being on NES Classic. Zombie Nation pushes the NES graphical capabilities more than any other shooter on the system, with lots of moving enemies, building destruction and a steady stream of pixilated chaos. Game Boy-shmameboy!Not one, not two, but three games in one.

The graphics feel stuck in 1987, but with a quest this deep, you hardly notice them. In an era of 8-bit graphics and MIDI music, Konami crafted a game that immersed you in the horror of Dracula's castle, while all you were looking at and hearing was an artful combination of the typical sights and sounds of the day.

Contra deftly captures the spirit of the testosterone-fueled '80s summer blockbusters, with obvious nods to the Alien and Rambo series. Kirby's Adventure was an epic, beautifully colorful swansong for the NES that focused on that new power for its vacuum-suction hero, as Kirby sucked up his foes, swallowed them, and then found that he could wield their signature weapons and powers himself. Tubular stuff, Niki.

To proceed to the next level, a treasure chest must be opened, but that chest is only unlocked when all heart icons on the screen are acquired. So, if you just hack away with short, quick slashes each one will be pretty wimpy. To capitalize on the puzzle trend, Nintendo threw its first-party hat into the ring and released Dr. Mario on the console just in time for the 1990 holiday season.