Though we see Cassie wheeling her two suitcases out of her hotel room — or, at least, that’s what it looks like — she must still be there because the episode ends with the Bachelor striding determinedly into the hotel and knocking on her door.Chris Harrison hosts the romance reality competition series in which a gaggle of women vie for the Bachelor’s heart — and a wedding proposal. “You don’t deserve to be second.” After a joyless hug and a lot of sniffling, a devastated Hannah sends Colton off into the night with an unconvincing, “Good luck.” As the Bachelor sits in the hallway and sobs, Hannah G. packs up all of her tiny clothes and prepares to go back to America, alone and heartbroken. In der diesjährigen Jubiläumsstaffel sucht der 29-jährige seine Mrs. By Kristen Baldwin S23 E4 Recap “I literally just wrote that I was in love with you, like, right in here,” she says. Or maybe she can do it right now because — “I wanted to talk to you about something,” begins Colton grimly.
“I don’t want to.” She recovers long enough to give Colton a goodbye hug and a gracious thank you. The host jogs down the road to catch up with Colton, while a camera operator appears from somewhere and starts recording the whole thing. By Kristen Baldwin S23 E9 Recap “What Cassie did to you was exactly what you did to me,” Hannah responds, adding that she held out hope that Colton would realize his mistake and come back to her.
So where did that SUV take her in last week’s episode?
(The poor guy is so nervous when Tayshia hugs him her mic pics up the sound of Colton’s high-speed heartbeat. But the producers oblige and let the duo go inside Tayshia’s room. “I don’t want to talk about it, Andy,” she tells the producer, climbing into the Reject SUV.
The Bachelor Season 23 finale part 1Colton Underwoodscreengrab