Constrói o teu império ferroviário! Experience the history of railways in six authentic eras. Wiadomości. Society has been fascinated by railways for almost 200 years. Vstup do vzrušujícího světa železnic s Rail Nation!
Through the option to form corporations, Rail Nation emphasizes cooperation between friends, fellow players and possibly even rivals. Rail Nation requires Adobe Flash to display content. Errichte Dein Eisenbahn Imperium.
Copyright © 2020 Bright Future GmbH published by Travian Games GmbHCopyright © 2020 Bright Future GmbH published by Travian Games GmbH In associations you grow more powerful and ally with other players for even greater success! Play now Play now Dive with Rail Nation into the exciting world of railways!
The 11 station buildings have a total of 250 stages of development, ranging from the small station house to the super modern mega station!Right from the start of the first epoch you need to approach tactically: To which industry should the first rail be placed? IP is Web site description for is Join thousands of players in this free browser game and start building your Rail Nation empire right now!.
Together, for example, important workers can be signed on in the game. Erschaffe dein Eisenbahn Imperium! Website Analysis (Review) has 3,028 daily visitors and has the potential to earn up to 363 USD per month by showing ads.
The massively multiplayer online tycoon game Rail Nation allows all players to create their very own railway empire. More information Welcome to the world of Rail Nation. Web site description for is Join thousands of players in this free browser game and start building your Rail Nation empire right now!. Die 11 Bahnhofsgebäude besitzen insgesamt über 250 Ausbaustufen, angefangen vom kleinen Bahnhofshäuschen bis zum supermodernen Megabahnhof!Bereits von Beginn der ersten Epoche an ist taktisches Vorgehen gefragt: Zu welchen Betrieben sollen die ersten Schienen gelegt werden?
Copyright © 2020 Bright Future GmbH published by Travian Games GmbHCopyright © 2020 Bright Future GmbH published by Travian Games GmbH
available for PC, MAC, smartphones and tablets The calculation of train routes and goods prices occur in real time. Zagraj teraz za darmo! Boost the economy to make the city – and your railway company – grow fast. Targeted deliveries to cities can also have a lasting effect on their development.Never neglect the infrastructure of your own train station. Więcej informacji No jogo de estratégia mundialmente famoso, jogas com mais de 3 milhões de jogadores em busca de prestígio e de um lugar no quadro de honra perpétuo!
You start in a small city that needs to be supplied with goods. Popular board games, computer games and even TV series revolve around railroads – however, until now, no contemporary online game has managed to fascinate its audience.In Rail Nation, all interested strategy gamers and railroad fans are given the chance to start up their own railroad company, manage transports on a daily basis and to team up with corporations in order to finally become the victorious single player or group of players.Since being on the move constantly is key in the railroad business, a dynamic territory map including 3D train models is at the heart of the game.
See traffic statistics for more information.. Hosted on IP address in Germany.