"kununu is an invaluable tool - I get a sneak peek at which perks, benefits, and elements of a culture are important...Every time I visit the site, I leave with a laundry list of 6-10 things I can do to improve my own company culture. kununu is an employer branding and review platform that helps employees and job seekers to find the right place to work. One of the big challenges of running a successful company is keeping individual employees happy, productive, engaged, and working towards the greater good of the company. Auf unserem Blog geben wir einen Überblick der wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten zum Arbeitsrecht in dieser Ausnahmesituation.ADS Allgemeine Deutsche Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbHAuf unserem Blog findest du informative Beiträge mit Tipps und Tricks von der perfekten Bewerbung bis zur erfolgreichen Karriereplanung, sowie zur Suche nach dem passenden Arbeitgeber. The place to find company reviews from those who know best: employees and applicantsOwn your responses and engage with candidates, employees, and more.We provide workplace insights that matter to job seekers and companies.

Learn why these companies are worth watching and what jobs they're hiring for!Learn how to ace your next interview, negotiate your salary, de-stress from long hours at work, develop career skills and more on our workplace blog. Arbeitgeber-Bewertungen von denen, die es am besten wissen: Mitarbeiter und Bewerber.Nutze deine Stimme und verrate uns, wie die Unternehmenskultur deines Arbeitgebers wirklich aussieht. Willst du mehr über kununu wissen?Coronavirus und Arbeitsrecht: Das solltest du wissenDie Ausbreitung des neuartigen Coronavirus hat große Auswirkung auf die Arbeitswelt und stellt Arbeitgeber, wie Mitarbeiter vor eine gänzlich neue Herausforderung. Mit jeder einzelnen Bewertung. Eine Frage nach der anderen. And if you’re feeling up to it, share thoughts about your own company culture and workplace with us. Your employees social media activity and other sources of information are all public. Ascension, FEDITC, and People Inc are a few top examples of companies who do that. Online platforms (like kununu) offer a wealth of information for candidates. Wir verändern die Arbeitswelt. You can also find useful lists such as the highest paying healthcare jobs, companies that are hiring right now, and why certain industries (like healthcare) are the best to grow a career in right now.We award selected companies that are reviewed best.Do you want to attract more qualified candidates and showcase your employer brand in a way that actually makes a difference? When candidates search for information about your company on Google or use Google for Jobs, kununu improves your visibility. "kununu is an invaluable tool - I get a sneak peek at which perks, benefits, and elements of a culture are important...Every time I visit the site, I leave with a laundry list of 6-10 things I can do to improve my own company culture. " Unlike other start-up stage companies, kununu US is a wholly owned subsidiary of XING (the leading business networking platform in Europe, similar to LinkedIn) which means that … Let us know @kununu_US! Then, we make it easy for people to learn about your company, stay focused on your job posts and click apply. Let us help you do that with a kununu Employer Branding Profile - you can even get started for free. Linda Le Phan is the Content Marketing Manager at kununu US , a place where job seekers can get an authentic view of life at a company and where employers have a trusted platform to better engage talent. Want to know more?There are some companies that go the extra mile to make sure every job applicant and employee has a positive experience. And they can all make or break your image towards potential applicants.