Sie können den Newsletter jederzeit wieder abbestellen. 5) Since 2019 and as a result of the change in IFRS 16 accounting principles, CAPEX has been based on cash flow instead of balance sheet computation; CAPEX restated for 2018: ¤233.2 million; CAPEX ratio restated for 2018: 14.9% All figures are given in millions of ¤ according 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 to the IFRS, unless otherwise specified 2008 - 2018. A message from Al Kelly. Auf-grund der gesteigerten Anforderungen durch die Weiter-entwicklung und Internationalisierung der Gesellschaft wurden nach dem Berichtszeitraum im 1. Viele Investoren sind gespannt auf die Äußerungen der Wirtsc On June 25, 2020, the Management Board of Wirecard AG filed an application for the opening of insolvency proceedings. Archive Annual Reports. Ich bin optimistisch, dass Wirecard eine großartige Zu-kunft vor sich hat.
November 12, 2019 : Quarterly Statement 9M 2019 (short form) PDF: September 27, 2019: Interim Report H1 2019: PDF: May 14, 2019: Quarterly Q1 Statement 2019 (short form) PDF: April 30, 2019: Linde plc 2018 Directors' Report and Financial Statements: PDF Gerne stehen wir Ihnen bei Fragen als Aktionär, Investor, Analyst oder Finanzmedium jederzeit zur Verfügung. As a result, Wirecard's share value decreased by over 72%, and its CEO Markus Braun resigned.Wirecard is an international supplier of electronic payment and risk management services. As part of this, Wirecard has integrated this alternative payment method into the till systems of retailers such as Many companies worked with Wirecard to issue their own payment cards of various kinds.
17224 0 obj <>stream Annual Report 2019.
In 2002, when it was close to folding at the end of the In January 2020, Wirecard announced that a contract extension would be offered to chief executive Markus Braun.In June 2020, it was revealed that €1.9 billion was "missing". DGAP-News 25/06/2020. DGAP-Ad-hoc 25.06.2020. The Innovation Day / Capital Markets Day 2019 took place on October, 08 2019 in New York.Press Release: Wirecard and SES-imagotag to accelerate in-store mobile payments adoption Financial highlights $ 23.0 B.
Dann will der DAX-Konzern endlich seinen Jahresbericht 2019 vorlegen. Further information on the purpose and use of the cookies used and how to remove them can be found in our
Am späten Abend meldet Wirecard, dass die Veröffentlichung des Konzernabschlusses noch einmal verschoben wird.
Some well-known partnerships include: On 30 January 2019, Wirecard shares plunged after the The public prosecutor's office Munich I in February 2019 launched criminal investigations against A report published in June 2020 by the interdisciplinary journalism laboratory Wirecard announced on 22 June 2020 that financial data for the previous years might be incorrect.Wirecard is a global company founded in 1999, which operates across all continents worldwide since 2017. 0 Kontakt. Doch auch dieses Datum ist nicht länger haltbar.
%PDF-1.6 %���� Die Investorenwelt blickt bei Wirecard auf den morgigen Donnerstag. {ȏ %�Q��� �U�1��p��tO��)��%�a�Ip��>�� ��ߑ�e��$�DZj���xL���VEl�x9��xv��6\z�{ܙ09@ܔ�SD��0���Zn�'{��i���5�!�o�k�DhD���Mk081S�>B�vi�w��F�.�=I�C�r\j7��d�����[o�Y��n�}*�ߘ�f����Z������@ON)��h������ '�mP�bP�洨�{�{�"���%I\���;�Ƅ�ix7���)h�،�q�mf������������U���;c̈5�CL������66QW��=X�FV�,`?�d� ��p�\�r����-�M�-������̫\���}�7 ���u�,SZ��Q(���!�:ή������D���c?���k�����Du?j�%V�^@ �r�*+���ɭ��jb�X ��c�3A9�n��{��a�!�����)~L��X��h�V�aPu[H��QC�=W�F�`��ŧb7����ñn' ��Q2W�+șC���u�ȻU\T�);.F�2�X��Z0��J�R���k����]B�3��A_�i��V�����(k�-�T{���_�o�*�'�dc��:�A@��ï����&��9���K�����]-���u�R o�1�V�?i�K�zZ�J�� �t>��@|�[�t��w:3r+V � Wirecard AG: Company statement regarding filing for insolvency. 17205 0 obj <>/Encrypt 17188 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<105091B28292DA4A9084475A8A009857><234AB7C2B76C7A4B990023FB94FB97EB>]/Index[17187 38]/Info 17186 0 R/Length 83/Prev 3887033/Root 17189 0 R/Size 17225/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Gestern Abend hat Wirecard den Termin für den Jahresbericht 2019 erneut verschoben. Bitte beachten Sie unsere Der Newsletter ist kostenlos. Die Investorenwelt blickt bei Wirecard auf den morgigen Donnerstag.
Reports in our app Allianz Investor Relations App The Annual and Half-year Reports are also available in our app - with the advantage that they can also be read offline and can be navigated in a particularly user-friendly manner. Wirecard AG: Unternehmensstatement zum Insolvenzantrag. 17187 0 obj <> endobj Der Jahresbericht 2019 sollte Ende April publiziert werden. Wirecard AG: Application for opening of insolvency proceedings. Our experts share their knowledge and experience with youLearn more about the success stories of our customersLearn more about innovative payment solutions and products by WirecardHere we provide you with deep insights - studies, infographics and reportsHere you will find tutorials and a direct contact to our support teamHow customers use our solutions and what services we offerFor the latest updates on the preliminary insolvency process of Wirecard AG as well as further news on current proceedings, please visit our transparency websiteOpening of the insolvency proceedings of Wirecard AGWirecard AG: Termination employment contract Dr. Markus BraunWirecard AG informs customers and partners about current business operationsWirecard AG: Company statement regarding filing for insolvencyWirecard AG: Application for opening of insolvency proceedingsWe will be happy to answer your questions as a shareholder, investor, analyst or financial medium at any time.Wirecard is one of the world´s fastest growing digital platforms for financial commerce. Jetzt setzt der DAX-Konzern die Publikation auf den 18.