Warum kann man das, was Spass macht, nicht öfters oder länger spielen?

Forums Staff Online Users More . А про комитет "двадцати" у кого какие варианты? Expect more nerfs. This ship can't have 15 km torps at T8. This ship can't have 15 km torps at T8. Official website of the award-winning free-to-play online game World of Warships. Подскажите, есть какой-либо мод, отключающий следующую ситуацию: Официальный форум сообщества. Spielregeln. The font and size of "VIII KITAKAMI" is clearly out of place comparing with officially released preview pictures (comparing with, for example, the X KITAKAMI from Dev Blog). You cannot break an already broken game anymore with more broken ships. С численностью тоже кучу вариантов встречал... Наверное, самый спорный вопрос. You cannot break an already broken game anymore with more broken ships. Collection . Приветствую. Expect more nerfs. Lernt die Community Contributoren kennen!

That is what a proper fleet should be. вкладки, то камера автоматически смещается в … CVs + escorts. Expect more nerfs.

Expect more nerfs. Искать результаты, которые содержат... CASH ship. WG staff posts. The source may be that someone has datamined the remaining code lines referring to the old Tier 8 Kitakami from the current client and misunderstood that. Followers 16. World of Tanks — free-to-play MMO-экшен, посвященный танковым сражениям середины ХХ века. . The font and size of "VIII KITAKAMI" is clearly out of place comparing with officially released preview pictures (comparing with, for example, the X KITAKAMI from Dev Blog). Summer sale.

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Expect more nerfs. This ship can't have 15 km torps at T8. when downgraded, lot of them shall follow, remember Azuma 4 topics ... Share your pictures, photos, videos, music and stories related to World of Warships and warfare. CV-Ideen Sammelthread (keine Diskussion) World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities ; English Speaking Community ; General Discussions ; Interesting stuff from the RU forums Sign in to follow this . World of Warplanes — free-to-play ММО-экшен, посвящённой авиации времён Второй Мировой. .

MrConway ... Weekly Warships Stream. Skycancer; By crzyhawk; September 1, 2015; Community Created Events and Contests. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. Get the latest news and developments here and play for free!

Hopefully they make her a Steel ship to prevent too many people from getting her. This ship can't have 15 km torps at T8. Action stations! World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities No. WG will either nerf her torp reload, or torp damage. A place for you, the Community, to create contest and events. Хотелось бы, чтобы камера оставалась на том месте, где была до перехода в разные вкладки.

Forum ; Deutschsprachige Community ; Diskussionen zum Spiel ; Allgemeine Diskussionen Forenregeln. Having more than one of them per side would make the game a nightmare. CASH ship. I am guessing she will get Poi's torps ie trash tier torps. With players hanging around the borders and firing salvos into the middle of the map in hopes of hitting enemies, similar to what players used to do with Shimakaze. WG will either nerf her torp reload, or torp damage. World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities ; English Speaking Community ; General Discussions ; Interesting stuff from the RU forums Sign in to follow this .

That is what a proper fleet should be. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. More .

World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities 9,507 topics in this forum. This ship can't have 15 km torps at T8. WG will either nerf her torp reload, or torp damage. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. You need to play a total of 50 battles to post in this section. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. Ask IJN who got their asses kicked by USN. 15km high damage torps at tier 8 or lower has already been precedented with Yudachi and she has a TRB. fortgeschrittener Noob hat fragen CV CVs + escorts. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section.

This ship can't have 15 km torps at T8. Expect more nerfs. My guess is they'll make her reload similar to Shimakaze, 2 and a half minutes or longer. Manuelles Feuern der Sekundärbewaffnung- ich raffs nicht Hopefully they make her a Steel ship to prevent too many people from getting her. WG will either nerf her torp reload, or torp damage. Ask IJN who got their asses kicked by USN. My guess is they'll make her reload similar to Shimakaze, 2 and a half minutes or longer. Expect more nerfs.